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Here I was at the historical Plymouth Rock where my ancestors boldly came to America. I was deeply into history and antiques.
After discovering my ancestors came to America on The Mayflower it was all I needed to know to accept the invitation of The Mayflower Society to a dinner on Thanksgiving.
I checked into the hotel and decided to go to the city craft festival.
I fell in love with the town and cold imagine how it was during earlier times.
At one of the craft tables I saw a lovely vase and just as I was about to pick it up a stranger stared to pick it up also. I got to it first snd he looked down at me with a disappointed face.
I paid for the vase and was walking back to the hotel.
I looked back and the guy who wanted to buy the vase was following me.
I turned around walked right up to him.
Why are you following me? Why is this vase so important to you?
He looked at me and smiled,
I'm not following you.
He said.
It looks like we are staying at the same hotel
Oh, I said Im so sorry.
That's okay.
Let 's grab a cup of coffee.
Okay, I said and we went into the hotel 's cafe.
As we began to talk I noticed how smooth his hands were and there wasn't any ring on nis finger. He told me he had ancestors on the Mayflower.
His family was in building ships and he seemed intrigue by my on line antique shop. He had just purchased s home and needed some unique and traditional pieces of furniture.
We had a really good time talking and laughing. He was easy to talk to and kept laughing with his light hearted jokes.
When we got on the elevator I felt suddenly this overwhelming attraction for him. He pushed third floor and so did I .
When the doors closed he turned snd looked at me and I saw a questions in his eyes and something more that I felt also .
We both turn our heads to the front at the same time and stood in silence and seem to let our bodies do all the talking. We got off same floor snd his room was two doors down from mine.
The dinner was formal and black tie.
He sat a few tables away and felt his eyes on me during all the presentations.
Afterward at the dance he came up to me from behind snd put his arms around my waist and asked me to dance.
It was like I was floating in the air . I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. He pulled me closer and we were the perfect fit.
He walked me to my door snd kissed me passionately. It was warm and intense. He took my door card out of my hand and unlocked the door, stood back gave me the card back and said good night!

et she found him exciting !
The ceiling fans were blowing when she stepped into the fashionable restaurant. It reminded her of Casablanca with it's white walls and dark floors with teak chairs at each tables covered in white linen A few people sat at tables talking low and eating.
Looking around
. I saw him sitting at a table in the corner.
He watched me as i walked toward him. His smile was casual but his eyes were looking at me going up and down with an approving look in his eyes.
She noticed that he wasn't eating but was just watching her eat with adoring eyes.
The waiter came and with a silver spoon put some soup in her bowl
It looks delicious what is it? I asked. Lobster bisque, Jeff replied.
She sipped it slowly.
It's delicious! I declared snd smiled at him.
After dinner was over snd we sat there enjoying the moment, he took my hand in his and held it gently.
When I went home after I met you was my body was there but my soul was with you and it has been from the first time I saw you.
You understand me and I want the feeling I have when I'm with you to be apart of my life for the rest of my life. So a thousand armies cannot pull me away from you ever again.
He moved his face close to mine with his lips almost touching mine-he whispered-I love you!
Then he got down on one knee and pulled out a shining pink diamond ring and offered it to me. I gasped at the size snd the beauty of it.
Marry me he asked
Meeting his eyes directly, I said yes
.Then he stood up and pulled me into his arms and we kissed.
The people in the place just start clapping with joy .
One year later we went back to the annual Thanksgiving dinner of The Mayflower Society,
Afterwards Jeff wanted yo ho for a ride . He stopped in front of an mansion.
I found though my dna that my ancestor lived here and that your ancestors lived here who did not have kids with him as his wife.
He took me in his arms and whirled me around.
My darling he exclaimed , this is our home. I brought it!!!
Then he kissed me like he had never kissed before. I eagerly returned it and my heart danced for joy!
It was Xmas day and our wedding took place in the hotel where we stayed the first time we met .
Then we actually rode in's horse and carriage and took us to our mansion.
He picked me up and kiss aggressively as he carried mr over the threshold into a room
Filled with all my lovely antiques.
I knew my fate was pleasantly sealed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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