Chapter 1

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"This is our goal. To defeat them and bring them back like before." - Akira Kagami


There were two high school girls walking together. One of them was reading a book while the other just enjoy herself. They were walking in the entrance of the high school. A red hair girl was look a boy who holding papers saying that they're a part of basketball team which make her smile before she take two form of papers. She then nudge her friend to stop reading a book which she did. They're Akira Kagami and Akane Kuroko. Akane was sigh as she understand make her register a form while Akira sit down in front of a brown hair woman who look at her. Akira had ignore her as she finish her register and look at her friend who finish give her form to other guy. Akira quickly stand up as she pass her register to a brown hair girl before she run toward Akane. A brown hair girl name Aida Riko. Riko was frown at Akira's attitude before she look at her form make her stunned. Her partner, Hyuuga noticed of Riko's expression wonder of her. "What's the matter, Riko?" Said Hyuuga in concern make her snapped out of her daze.

Riko can't believe that Akira was a part of Generation of Miracles who from Teiko Junior High. Then she look a second form make her shock again. She don't know why but she get blessed to have two people from GOM. "Hyuuga, we have get bless today. We got two people from Generation of Miracles to join us. I don't know why but this is what we need, Hyuuga." Said Riko happily make Hyuuga shock. Hearing about what Riko said, Hyuuga want to meet them. Akira was smirk as she walk together with Akane. "Guess this first day will be interesting for us, Akane-chan." Said Akira as she look at Akane. Akane just nodded her head and hope to see what will happen in a first day when they meet them. "Yeah, I hope so. We will see what will happen today anyway, Akira-chan." Said Akane lowly make Akira smirk again. Akira and Akane were have a same class which make Akira feel happy that she can be with Akane. 


Akira and Akane were in the gym after changing their clothes. Riko was order them to line up as their first day introduction. Riko then meet Akira which everyone look at her. They were find out that Akira had been a part of GOM which make them interesting to know her. They look her appearance as they wonder about her style. Akira had a red hair and red eyes. She was beautiful girl and have her muscles too. Riko was stunned to see Akira before she told her to pull her shirt up make her obey it. Akira know that Riko was same as her ex manager of Teiko team. Riko was shock to see her higher number and also she never seen her potential yet make her impressed to find out about her. Akira just give her a bored face as she let her shirt down after Riko done. Then Riko look around to find another member of GOM but no where make her sigh. Akira was ticked off at Riko but at the same time she feel amused to see how her reaction toward Akane.

Akane sigh as she know it will always happen which she showed up shocking Riko and make her scream loudly. "Ano, I'm Akane Kuroko." Said Akane as she ignored her screaming while Akira was laughing at her. Even the other also shock to see Akane. "When are you here?" Yelled Hyuuga as he look at Akane. They were observe her by her appearance. They were get heart attack to see her beautiful face. They even admitted that Akane more pretty than Akira. "I'm already being here for a whole time. Even Akira-chan know that I'm here with her, Riko-san." Said Akane calmly make Riko frustrated that she not noticed her anyway. Akira was sigh as she shook her head at Riko. "Well, sorry for that. Can you pull your shirt up just like Akira did, Kuroko-chan?" Said Riko as she want to her abilities and strength. Akane just followed her order as she pulled her shirt up to let Riko look at her. Riko was gasp in shock as she look at her abilities before she glance at Akane who have a blank face. Riko was doesn't understand after she done calculating Akane. Riko saw half part of Akane show her number who a little lowest than Akira but more than anyone else. Other half part of Akane had shut down like it locked up of her abilities. She doesn't understand what the meaning before she glance at Akane who talk with Akira. She had wonder what Akane hiding for.


In the Maji's restaurant, Akira had a dinner with Akane. She as usual buying her favorite food while Akane only drink her vanilla milkshake. Akira doesn't bother of her choice as she give up lecturing her. Akira had look at Akane with a smile on her face. "Yosh, Akane-chan. We're finally show them what our skill. I'm sure that they were impress at us. Right, Akane-chan?" Said Akira with a grin on her face. Akane was glance at Akira before she smile. "Yeah, Akira-chan. Finally we did it. Even so, it will up to Riko-san. We have to join the basketball team no matter what. We have our goal, right Akira-chan?" Said Akane lowly as she look at Akira. She had remember that first year fighting against second year which first year win because of Akane and Akira. Akane was sure satisfied to show her skill and hope that they can accept her and Akira. "Of course it is. This is our goal. To defeat them and bring them back like before. I can say that our choice to choose Seirin actually a right thing we did, Akane-chan." Said Akira with satisfied look on her face make Akane hummed softly.

Akane seem agree with Akira about Seirin high school. She knew that Seirin was a new school that given as unknown. She know that Seirin had lost the inter high before and never win which good for them. They want to make a new beginning to bring Seirin to win and make team a best in Japan. Also to achieve their goal to defeat the Generation of Miracles. "Yeah, that's right. Seirin was a good choice for us to start new thing. We have to bring this team a best in Japan and defeat GOM together. You have a same think as me, right Akira-chan?" Said Akane softly as they walked out from restaurant after done with their dinner. Akira was smirk knowing what Akane said be a right thing. They were have a same goal to defeat GOM as they have a past with them since they're part of GOM too. Even so, they have a reason why they want to defeat them anyway because of their former captain who make a declare who being the best team in any school that they choose for. Akira and Akane may don't like to compete with the competition that be make by former captain of Teiko but they doesn't have choice to accept it.

"Yeah, I do have a same think as you. Even so, do you think that they know about our school, Akane-chan? Do you think that they can accept our choice especially our lover?" Said Akira as she give a worry thought to Akane. Akane was silent as she think about it before she sigh. She actually know her boyfriend very well. Her boyfriend will never stop her where she going for and know that he will support her. Even her former captain. She was sure that her former captain won't have any problem about their choice. "I don't think our lover will have a problem with our choice, Akira-chan. I know him very well especially your lover too. Even Murasakibara-kun also doesn't have problem with that. Only two people that won't accept it, Akira-chan." Said Akane calmly make Akira scowled knowing who they are. She was hiss in annoyance to think about them. "Huh, them? Whatever. It's not like I want to listen of their annoyance word, Akane-chan. But I have a feeling that they must be change than before, right? I guess that we have to be ready for that, Akane-chan." Said Akira quietly with a worry and sad face. Akane just silent as she share a same feeling with Akira. 

"Yeah, I guess so. We have to be stronger than them if we want to achieve our goal, Akira-chan." - Akane 

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