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(A Man was seen sitting at a bar making love to a Whiskey surrounded by screaming and yelling reckless cowboys and outlaws alike.)

???: "Hmph." (As the man grunted a drunk bandit bumped into him and the Bandit started to size him up.)

Bandit: "We got an issue old man?"
???: "Fuck off you drunken fool."
Bandit: "Rich coming from you, I won't take besmirchment on my name, me and you outside right now."

(The Older man grunts and follows the Bandit outside as they take their positions.)
???: "Get your affairs in line."
Bandit: "You are too cocky old man, Now DRAW!" (The two stare each other down as the Bandit quickly pulls his revolver out and aims it, as he gets it up he starts to choke on blood and fell forward as the old man was holstering his revolver and lighting a cigarette.)

???: "Someone fetch the Undertakers, and get this fool out of the street." (As he said this a Man approached whistling loudly as the Old man turns to see a young man wearing Black approach him stroking his beard as he whistles.)
???: "Can I help you boy?"

???: "Yeah I believe you can and the Name's Colt "Ace" Miller and we got some unfinished business."

???: "Oh yeah, you got some nerve approaching me without just cause." (The Old man Reveals his revolver and has an angry face.)
Buck: "Oh, But I do indeed have Just Cause, You Are Steel Monroe, The legendary Gunslinger and Outlaw."

Monroe: "How do you know this boy? You ain't even old enough to be my son." (Buck walks towards him and pats him on the back.)

Ace: "Today's your last day on earth, I seek revenge for the death of Scott Miller, my father."

Monroe: "I ain't kill your father boy, you're delusional."
Ace: "12 Years ago today, you and your boys robbed a bank, you killed no one, Except for the man with a young boy, because you said he looked at you wrong."

(Ace walked away as Monroe went to pull out his revolver and shoot Ace dead, as Ace Tossed his hat into the air and flipped around and shot Monroe in the gut as he was distracted and Monroe fell dropping his revolver.)

Ace: "Always dishonorable you, never could fight a man fair." (Ace walked towards Monroe as he crawled for his revolver. Ace kicked it away as he flipped Monroe over onto his back placing a boot on his chest grabbing his own revolver.)
Ace: "When you see the Devil, tell him Ace Miller sent you." (He killed Monroe as he put Monroe's revolver in his waistband and grabbed his hat as he realized all the on lookers surrounding them.)
Sheriff: "Drop the gun and put your hands up sir, you are under arrest for murder."
Ace: "This man's a wanted man, under the law I am working as a bounty hunter, No I don't have a warrant, take his bounty as a payment and leave me be."

(The man got on his horse and road off into the distance, he went on for a few many years to become a successful gunslinger and bounty hunter, in till one day everything went sour.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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