Song in the Night

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Takumi shot up from the pillow, gripping the thin blankets as he forced air into his lungs. A band of sweat formed on his forehead and his hair stuck to his face uncomfortably. It took a moment to process where he was. In the darkened room, he could make out faint outlines of furniture. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he breathed deeply as the drumming in his chest faded to a dull rhythm.

Mages, he thought bitterly, shuddering as the word crossed his mind. He recalled the evil visions in his dreams, morphed by dark magic and fire attacks. It seemed that his mind captured the most horrible events that happened and morphed them into something traumatic once he closed his eyes. This one was a rendition of yesterday's battle.

A shaky breath left him as he fumbled in the dark to light the candle at his bedside. The small flame flickered in the shadowy room, accompanied by a small stream of dying moonlight from the open widow. The first signs of day were lightening the smoky grey skies. It must have been close to five in the morning.

Finally he relaxed. Sucking in a breath, he stood and changed quickly. It would be pointless to go back to sleep now, and he needed a distraction. Something that would put the tainted dream out of his mind. So he quickly dressed and fixed his hair, flying through his morning routine. Picking up his bow from its place in the corner, he left his room and the nightmarish visions behind.

The hall was empty and eerily still. Only a few dedicated heroes woke so early to train, but none were in sight. Training would be just the thing to clear his mind and shake off the uneasy feeling that constricted his chest. Slowly he made his way to the stairs, the only sound was the soft padding of his feet that echoed off the walls.

He suddenly lifted his eyes from the ground and paused, swiveling around. The faint drone of a voice, barely audible, broke the spell of silence. The comforting sound rose and fell, and Takumi strained to make out where the melody was coming from. Slowly he moved forward, tracing the sound to a closed door not far from his.

"Azura?" he whispered, confused.

Maybe it was the quiet of the early morn, or the stillness of the darkened castle, but the voice seemed to be enchanted. Takumi tried to quell the song's trance, but found himself leaning against the door to listen. No, it couldn't be Azura. He would have known if the songstress had been summoned and listening closer, the voice was distinctly different. Though the words were rendered indistinguishable through the heavy door, it was clearly not the melody that Azura would sing. Did he catch the word "rainbow?"

Sleep whisked through the prince's closed eyes. All former anxiety left him, like a weight had been lifted from his troubled mind. He didn't know how long he stood against the door, but it didn't seem long enough when the song came to a finish. Unwillingly he opened his eyes. The hall seemed lighter now, with grey light streaming through the windows where the hall met the staircase.

Sudden shuffling behind the door startled him, and he jumped away quickly. Whoever was in there was awake and may come out at any moment. Alert to his surroundings once more, he scurried down the hall. Heart beating faster, he checked behind him. The hall was still empty.

The prince slowed to steady gait. The melody replayed in his head. The room it came from was so close to his, he must have passed its owner many times before. There was Virion, but the voice was clearly feminine. Beruka was seen occasionally, but Takumi knew she was no singer. Who else was there?

From the top of the stairs, he could see a few sleepy allies lounging about below, some without their armor yet. He descended the marble stairs and scanned the area for a familiar white cloak. Sometimes the Summoner would wake early to take new recruits to the training tower. She would know if there were any singers in the army. Maybe he could catch her before she left . . .

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