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I own nothing everything belongs to their respective creators now let's get into the story.

We see izuku riding the train but the thing is he was out side the train you might ask why? Well....

(3rdPOV flash back)


He jolted out of bed, grabbed his stuff and jumped out the window booking it to the train station only to see it start moving so he comes up with the brilliant idea to jump and grab on to it to hopefully make it to school on time


As it finally comes to a stop he shakes off his dizziness and then looks at the time to realize he was actually on time if not a bit earlier than usual so as he gets to the school gate he sees lida running in his raincoat but he noticed something was of about him but he holds it for a better time

(Class room)

Izu:*mind* I hope lida us ok I didn't get to say what happened, also I have to improve my observation haki so I can beat-

EH: alright class

Everyone was in their seats in an instant

EH: we have something that your going to need as heros

Class:*mind* more boring stuff?

EH: your hero names


EH:*activities quirk* sit down


EH:as I was saying you will be coming up with your hero names but first let me show how much offers you got

As he clicks a button the wall behind him displays all of their names and numbers beside them

EH: as you can see some of you are not up here but don't worry the ones who aren't will still get to choose one, now it's time for your names, I'm not good with those so-

MN: I will take care of that!

Class: Miss Midnight!

MN: now let's begin

As they each went through their names we finally got to the ones we want to see

MN: next!

Toga: I got chose this because I thought it sounded cute the blood sucking hero " mosquito girl"

MN: I approve good choice, alright next

Melissa: the hero of hope "Elips"

MN: goddes of hope I like it but why hope?, if you don't mind me asking

Melissa: well when I was a kid their was someone who gave he hope and pushed me to achieve my dream of becoming a hero and I want to give that same home to everyone that gose through the same thing

MN: so inspiring (she said sounding horn- you already know moving on)

MN: next

Izuku: *mind* I've been thinking about this and I've got something that will make sure that who ever has unfinished business is going to be in for a surprise

Izuku: the king of hero's "Gold Izuku"

MN: *mind* so his name, is he really his son?

MN: approved, alright eraser your turn

After class we can see Melissa and izuku walking together hand in hand talking about who to intern with when all-might suddenly appears and takes Melissa to the side and after they were done talking

GOL D IZUKU Where stories live. Discover now