Chapter 1

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Onion'Curl just finished helping a new queen give birth to her lovely new kits.
She over heard the new names, only in slight bits though. "I'll name them Je-per ki-t and Cl-er Kit!" Were the only things Onion'Curl understood before she left the den.
As Onion'Curl was also partially Deaf in her right ear.

The Molly padded out of the Medicine Den and towards the Leaders quarters.
"Timber'Fall just had her newborn kits!"
Onion'Curl exclaimed as she sat down by the leader.
Gemini'Star seemed deep in thought. He stared at the ground and barely made eye contact.
"Are you alright?"
Onion'Curl peered over the Tom's shoulder.
"I'm just fine Onion'Curl..."
The leader stared at her while her gaze fixed on his.
"I...have to ask you...where were you yesterday exactly?"
Onion'Curl seemed confused.
"Why would the leader be asking me such a question?"
She thought.
"Well I was in the medicine den helping Timber'Fall prepare for her birth!"
Onion'Curl told the whole truth in that sentence. But it didn't seem to be enough.

"Come with me, NOW!" Gemini'Star grabbed Onion'Curl by the ear and pulled her to the front of the large, Scaled, rock. "What is this for..?"
Onion'Curl felt judged and overseen.
"Hex'Kelp told me all about how you sided with a rouge and killed your own ClanMate yesterday..."
Onion'Curl was stunned. When had she ever done such a thing? Was this a trick? Prank?
Her tail perked up.
"I would never do such a thing!"
Onion'Curl mewed.
"I'm sorry...but due to the warrior code I'm going to have to...exile you."
Onion'Curls heart felt shattered to a million pieces.
Onion'Curl had no words to explain her pain. She knelt her head down. The RiverClan warriors, Kits, and Apprentices stood in shock.
"Leave, now" Gemini'Star left no room for reason. All Onion'Curl could do now was obey his every word.
"I understand..." she swept her paws against the cold grass flakes and padded slowly away from the camp until it was out of sight.
"I still have no memory of this strange occurrence!" Onion'Curl paced the stone-hard surface.
"Unless I was..."
She stopped.
"No...Hex'Kelp wouldn't.."
Onion'Curl could only think back to when she was with the Queen and her kits.
"That's where I was last..."
She repeated over and over.
Until she sat in defeat at the edge of the RiverClan border.


Timber'Fall looked at her surroundings, soon catching a gaze of her mate: Pale'Wind. He licked the top of her ear as she gazed happily at her new kits.
"Where did Onion'Curl go anyway? She was supposed to be back after delivering the news of our kits!"
Timber'Fall said with a bewildered tone in her voice.
"You haven't heard...have you?"
Pale'Wind looked at his Mate with desperate eyes.
"She was kicked out of the clan just this morning..."
Timber'Fall was just as shocked as her mate. Onion'Curl hadn't done anything wrong! Had she?
There was only one way to find out.
Timber'Fall tried to stand but was weakened by her new kits birth that she fell back on her side.
"Take it slow Timber! I know how much you want answers but don't hurt yourself to get them" Pale'Wind tried to calm the Molly down.

"I...I understand Pale'Wind." Timber'Fall slowly went back down to comfort her kits. 
"The answers will come soon'll just have to wait."
As much as Timber'Fall hated to wait for anything she agreed.


Onion'Curls floppy ears knelt sideways as she put her side to the autumn layered grass. WindClan territory wasn't exactly "ideal" but Onion'Curl didn't have much options as she had just been kicked out of the clan she grew up in.
"Nothing makes sense!"
She shouted out hoping the other clan cats didn't hear.
Onion'Curl swept to her paws and looked at her surroundings.
If she was going to be living as a rouge she's going to have to find a place to stay first.
After five minutes of frantic looking and scouring while trying to avoid WindClan warriors she found it.
A small cave that lie deep with WindClan.
It may have been on their territory but something told Onion'Curl this cave wasn't discovered yet.

She crawled into the dark cave and immediately curled up. The Molly was pretty tired from a day like today, and something told her it wasn't going to get better from here.

One full night passed.
Onion'Curl crawled out of her den. This felt like prison to her. To this extent she was practically a fugitive in the open prairies of WindClan.
She slowly crept back into the den, avoiding any sort of noise as her gaze nearly locked in with another warrior.
They looked around as if they didn't notice her white, floppy ears pointing out from the small hole. Eventually trotting off leaving room for Onion'Curl to crawl out from the small cavern once more.
"I'll need to find a more secure place to stay if I'm going to be a rouge my whole life..." she thought to herself.
Since Onion'Curl only usually went out for herbs or the occasional scouring of the border she never truly got a look at the other territory's.
It was never a priority nor did she have the need to.
There was a moment of war between RiverClan and ShadowClan. Something about "fish" and "kits". But Onion'Curl was too busy with her responsibilities of helping the whole clan that she never had chance to witness much of the war.
The small she crawled from her den and shifted to a canter.
Onion needed to cover some ground in order to fine the perfect area to stay.
She wasn't about to give up everything and become a KittyPet or go to a nearby barn and befriend a rouge.
Although her options were slim she feared that it might have to come down to that point if she can't find a suitable home.

The small she was deep in thought, not paying attention to the world around her and ran straight into what she thought was a WindClan warrior!
A small shuttering wave went down Onion'Curls pelt. She looked up to a cat with Grey fur as a base and red and blue colouring all around the legs and tail.
"Oh dear I've been caught!"
The other cat wailed.
Onion'Curl looked confused.
Maybe this wasn't a WindClan warrior? But rather something different?
The other cat turned to sprint away. "Wait!"
Onion called. "I'm not a WindClan warrior...I come in peace!"
The strange cat turned in the blink of any eye.
"Oh! Geez you had me scared for a moment there".
The cat curled his tail around his paws and sat down for a proper introduction.
"I'm Tribe!"
He said with a proud tone.
"I was born into a rouge family who lives just beyond the hill"
He pointed towards a small hedge-like hill that leaned over the edge of WindClan territory.

Onion'Curl began to calm down, she sat up straight as a ruler and began her piece of the introduction.
"Onion'Curl. But you can just call me Onion"
Tribe seemed thrilled to have another cat in the area. His tail spiked and his smile turned brighter.
"Okay Onion! Where do you come from?" His intrigued voice repeated. Whispering into Onions ear.
"I...I'd rather not say".
She said in a polite tone. Tribe seemed disappointed. None the less he respected Onion'Curls boundaries.
"At least let me show you my home!"
Tribe encouraged.
"One visit couldn't hurt..."
Onion shifted her body towards the hedge and began padding her way towards it.
Tribe, as eager as he was raced after her in a leap.
The two trotted over and down the hedge to two small dens put between each other.
Kits sprinted beyond the front of the conjoined dens. Cats helping the injured and mates exchanging tongues.
It seemed like a normal clan but Onion knew it couldn't be possible. Another clan foraging within the barrier of WindClan? Not likely.
Tribe called Onions name towards one of the conjoined dens and led her through an underground cavern. Like a maze.
"You can stay here then night if you please!"
Onion looked at the rouge and smiled. "Maybe I was wrong about all rouges?"
Onion thought.
The Molly walked into the crowded room and turned to sleep. Though she had just woken up ten minutes ago she was still very tired.

(Editors Note: Hello :D if you do end up reading this I have to address some things. Onion'Curl is a warrior cats original character of mine. This whole series is primarily based off the New York Times best selling series warrior cats!)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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