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Jungwon and you had only gone on a few dates so far in your relationship. He is really shy and nervous about being romantic with you because he doesn't want to do anything wrong and he has never dated someone before. Repeatedly, you had told him how he has nothing to worry about and that nothing can change your love for him. Your loving words always make him feel better, but he is still shy. 

It is just an hour before his first in person concert and you and the boys are all backstage. You are the only non-staff allowed. Jungwon's hands have been shaking for the past few minutes so you hold him in hopes of calming him down. 

"You're going to do great, Wonnie," you assure him and snuggle into his shoulder. 

He smiles softly and stroked your hair. It always calms him down. Heeseung beams at the two of you and quietly takes out his phone. You notice, but think it's better to not alert Jungwon. You close your eyes, comfortable in his arms. 

"Enhypen," their manager says, entering the room. "You're on in ten minutes." 

You begin to pull away from Jungwon but he tugs you back down. He wraps his hands around yours and sleepily mutters for you to stay. 

"Wonnie, you better get up or you're going to be too tired to perform," you explains. 

"But I want to stay with you," he replies, still half asleep. 

"Come on." 

With all your strength, you wrap your arms around him and try to pull him up. Instead of standing, he flops onto the ground, slamming onto the ground that is luckily carpeted.

"Ow!" Jungwon exclaims and rubs his eyes. 

You shake your head and can't help but giggle. "Stand up, I'll fix your hair." 

"Perfect!" you cheer and smile. "You look very pretty," you continue and Jungwon looks down, flustered. 

"Thanks, Y/n." 

"Enhypen! You're on!" 

"You've got this, Wonnie. You're going to do great. I... I love you. Good luck!" you tell him and run out of the room. 

That was the first time you'd say 'I love you' to anyone that isn't family. 

"She said 'I love you' hyungs! She said she loves me!" Jungwon shouts excitedly. 

He then puts on the best performance of his life. 

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