Burning his shits.

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" Tell me..WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?!" Your ex frantically screamed, as his hands tied painfully tightly behind the chair.

Is he kidding me right now? Is he fucking kidding me?! you thought as you scoffed. Now you are getting annoyingly frustrated.

You walked up to him closely, your eyes never leaving his, your aurora thriving around you, dangerous and unpredictable.

you lean down to his level, you look into his eyes, his face, his features, all down to his body then up slowly.

You can visibly see him trying to be tough, but you see his clenched hand becoming pale and trembling underneath you.

You were mentally enjoying his fear of you, it made you more powerful, it made you more confident with every ounce of fear he had in his eyes.

You smirked, you took out your finger under his chin, tilting it upward, you securely slid down his throat with your finger, you saw him gulp.

now you wanted to really have fun ruining him, to every misery you want to torture him, you smile creepily widely with the thought of that idea.

You harshly locked your one hand on his throat, surprising him to choke out for air. Your other free hand grabbed his hair and made his chin up higher.

you lean closely to his ear; you see him tremble more.

God this is too much fucking fun, you mentally thought.

" What did you do to me? well~ let me tell you love~, you left me, abandoning me, leaving me when I needed you, you left me broken and shattered in pieces-"

You gripped onto his hair even harder letting him grunt in pain, leading him down to your eyes as you say the very next words, your eyes in anger, your eyes flaming with so much reason to kill him, so much pain for him to feel, YOU WANTED HIM TO SEE AND HEAR WHAT HE DID to you, and you were gonna do that painfully mentally and physically.

"You fucking broke my heart, and ignored me while I begged for you, I fucking begged for you, begged for your help but you fucking left, not giving me a single glance, NOT FUCKING ONCE! I cried! But what did you do? You abandoned me, leaving me broken, dead inside and you? You fucking was smiling, smiling with the women who killed my family, OUR BABY! OUR BABY YOU FUCKING CUNT! THE WOMEN WHO PLANNED THIS ALL! THAT FUCKING WOMEN! she lied and lied and spread false rumors about me, all bad things about me and YOU FUCKING BELEVED HER! I WAS YOUR WIFE FOR GOD SAKE! THE WOMEN WHO LOVED YOU WITH ALL HER HEART! WITH ALL HER WILL! but you. YOU!!! YOU EASILY REPLACED ME! WITH THE WOMEN WHO RUINED ME AND YOU! YOU RUINED ME! SO, WHAT DID YOU DO?! YOU FUCKING HAVE SEX WITH THE WOMEN WHO RUIN MY LIFE AND KILLED MY BABY!!!

You yelled with no hesitation, spilling out the truth, tears nonstop flowing down your face, YOU WANTED HIM TO SEE THIS, THE PAIN YOU HAD GONE THROUGH AND ENDURED. AND YOU WANTED YOUR FUCKING REVENGED.

Your ex sees you breaking down all the words you have yelled at him, his eyes showing guilt and sadness as if he just thought of a memory, a memory he treasures, but lost the love throughout his memory. he tries to talk but no words come out, he only was able just to show the face of regret and sorrow.


Then you broke, you had enough, you stopped crying, instead YOU STARTED LAUGHING HISTORICAL, CRAZY AND WILD LIKE A MAD MAN.

Your ex got more scared, he has never seen you like this, and it was scaring him. to him, you were now someone deadly. deadly enough to kill him and he knows that.

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