Ch. 11

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After the night of Gallan's death, the maid decided to preserve his body to Naia before deciding where he'll be buried.

The maid specially the three, Celetera and the twin was particularly back in an automaton state, Celetera's order are practically simple and precise where you could consider it....programmed. The guards who always report to Celetera now  deliberately goes to Vhisha and Vhisha delivers it to Celetera which occasionally just gives a nod after the report Vhisha relayed, no additional emotion whatsoever asides from the constant dead fish eye.
The twin however, now in the state of solely guarding the dead flesh of Gallan are currently and ever will be in his sides, not even Vhisha can come close to him starting from that night. The body of Gallan was constantly been refreshed by a preserving magic learnt by Silva which helps the dead body to not further emit a decaying smells but even still if its just one night, Silva resisted to not to stop using magic on him even if it kills her. The twin caring the dead body of Gallan side by side emitted a bloody bloodlust of whoever came to open the carriage may end up in an unconditional and accidental death.

After two days of moving, the civilians convoy can finally see the wall of Naia harbor from the horizon. The gate opened and sent out a rider guards to assist the ever long line of caravans, carts and carriages. After that the civilians, some bought a night to stay, some camps inside the walls protection and the party of  Celetera goes directly to the lord of the land's state.

"Stop there! Invitation please!' One of the guard of the city state gate demanded from the Charcoal black carriage.

" Its ok! I got it!" Shouted from Vhisha who rode a horse from the rear of the Carriage.

She could not trust the matter to Celetera at this point where in her side too rides a horse. Celetera if ticked off a little may kill someone in a  blink of an eye. Vhisha wish to evade that part from happening.

"Wish to see your lord, care to let us pass?" Vhisha handed an emblem to the guards at the gate which made the guard on duty to immediately open the gate wider to let the Carriage pass in. The guard who Vhisha showed the emblem to, immediately rush into an horse, rode, and sprint toward the big castle that can be seen in 50 meters away. As the carriages got close to the castle main entrance, there can be seen the guard who rushed first toward that looks like in rush with his action towards a butler looking guy.

The carriage stop exactly around the fountain at the front of the castle entrance or...mansion entrance?
It really looks like a mansion but with a castle construct on it, also its hella big. I now think its a castle with mansion style of building.... Its a showy castle but without the defensive purpose of the castle. Yeah that's about it! Let's continue!...

Celetera and the others was shown to the other side of the castle mansion to take a rest while Vhisha continues to head toward the lord's chamber room.

A big door stands before Vhisha where on her way to meet the lord of the land, not before long the door open on its own letting Vhisha to pass in to meet the person behind that door.

With utmost seriousness, Vhisha goes in with fearless expression on her face.

From within there can be seen an office like designs. Rectangular table with green fabricated cloth  that has an emblem on its centerpiece that resembles an eagle with fish on its talon, Book shelves that surrounds all corner of the big room, scrolls, potions, and chemist stuff was all over the shelves along with the books, too is the table of the lord himself fulls of paper stuff.

Vhisha thought of it first a kings room when she saw the big door and the castle design of the building behind that door but disappointingly a normal room that almost looks the same as Lord August office room back at S'tharja greeted her reality.

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