A very merry christmas

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It was a cold Christmas eve in Yokohama, everything was silent and not a sound could be heard across the city, apart from inside Poe's house.

There was a loud crash coming from the living room, Poe rushed through the door only to find Ranpo on the floor with Karl on top of him, licking his face.

Poe sighed.

"H-hey Karl, cut it out!" Ranpo laughed,

'his laughing is so cute.' Poe thought.

"Dear me," Poe shook his head, "Karl get off of Ranpo for heavens sake."

Karl leaped off of the brown haired man, and stared straight up at Poe.

He sighed again, picking him up.

"You can be such a handful sometimes." He chuckled lightly, sitting Karl down on the sofa as he extended a hand out to his lover, Ranpo.

Ranpo clutched onto Poe's hand as he was pulled into a loving embrace. The two of them smiled at each other before sharing a passionate kiss.

The kiss broke off as Poe asked:

"Would you like some hot chocolate Dear?"

"Would I? Is that even a question?" Ranpo replied cheekily.

"I guess not then." Poe smirked and walked over to the couch.

""H-huh!? No no I do want some!" Ranpo stuttered

"Haha, I'm only teasing." Poe chuckled, changing course and heading over to the kitchen to brew the both of them some nice warm hot chocolate.

Meanwhile, Ranpo snuggled up into the covers on the couch and awaited Poe's arrival with their beverages. Poe popped his head through the doorway and gazed at Ranpo, snapping a picture on his phone to commemorate the moment before delivering the hot coco to the coffee table positioned in front of him.

"Here you are Dear." Poe smiled as he handed Ranpo a mug, taking a seat beside him.

"Thank you, Edgar." Ranpo replied, pecking his lover on the cheek before taking a sip.

It was peaceful for a while as the two- sorry, three of them cuddled up to each other and enjoyed the blazing fire and Christmasy atmosphere.

I guess you could say it was quite the 'Silent Night'.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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