Chapter 6

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***I am terribly sorry for the late update once again. But I've been super busy with school and band. I'm really hoping to get back into as much writing as I can. Especially with this story. But in honor of Brendons birthday a few days ago, and the new song Hallelujah, I'm going to update. Anyone have the song on repeat? Yeah, me too.

But I also have ideas for a Black Veil Brides story if you guys would be interested in reading that as well. Anyways again I'm so sorry for the wait. And this is going to be more of a filler chapter, so not much will be happening***

The time has finally come. I'm finally going to witness what I've been dreaming about. Quite literally. And with someone whom I'm best friends with. It was more than I could have ever bargained for. It still amazing me to this very moment. It felt like this was part of one of my dreams. It didn't feel real.

Brent and I smiled at each other as we entered the red and white tent. My heart skipped beats as I consumed all the lights and the sounds from the inside. The thrill it all gave me, was amazing. I haven't felt this was since my mother used to take me to the circus. Even then, I don't think I was as excited as I am now. I just couldn't believe that Brent managed to get us in.

As we took our seats, I couldn't help but look around in wonder. There were so many people here. More then I had even began to think there would be, and it had begun to make me nauseous. I put my head in my hands and tried not to let my lunch come back up.

"Hey, Ry?" Brent's voice filled my ears. "You alright?" He placed his hand on my shoulder in a comforting way.

"Y-Yeah." I swallowed hard. Ryan, you can make it through this. You have to make it through this. You've been waiting your whole life for this moment to happen again, don't blow it!

"Let's uh...let's change the subject then. Before the show starts.." Thank you. That sounded like a great idea. I wanted to avert my attention from the knot forming in my stomach. "Can you tell me what exactly you meant by your words a few weeks back?" I look at him and furrow my eyebrows. What does he mean by my words?

"Uh...what words?" I asked him. I couldn't quite figure out what point he trying to get across.

"Well ever since that day in the park you haven't been yourself...Do you wanna talk about it?" My eyes open wide in shock. I could vaguely remember saying that to him. But when I get into my freak outs, I tend to misplace a few events that happen within that time frame.

"I dont know...Look Brent, I've gotten to know so many things about you within the past few months. And I love everything about you. We've gotten really close. And I know Ive said before that you make me feel something I've never felt before. That never changed. I just...I dont know...I feel like I its in a brotherly way. I feel like I cleaned that up nicely. Smooth Ryan, smooth. I do love Brent. And I feel so bad about saying that, but its true.

Brent just smiled.

He took what I had to say better than I had intended. Was he hiding his actual emotion towards me about this? I felt so bad. I don't want Brent to be upset with me about this.

"ATTENTION PEOPLE OF LAS VEGAS NEVADA!" The audience immediately went quiet. "WHO'S READY FOR THE RETURNING OF THE AMAZING SIN CIRCUS!?" That second, the crowd went into an abundance of clapping and cheering. It was then, that I actually looked up from the position I was in previously.

This circus wasn't your average circus. They did things differently than anyone else. People dancing on stilts and having a bearded lady was only a small portion of it. From what I remember that is. There were things this circus did that no other would even dare to do. That was one of the reasons as to why they had to close it down all those years ago.

Brent nudged my arm causing me to look in his direction. He smiled at me and pointed to the other side of the tent. A trapeze woman was doing amazing flips in the air. And her partner never let her fall. He caught her every time. There's so much trust that they have to put into each other in order to do something like this. I wonder if they hate each other? Now that must be difficult.

Act after act, I kept smiling ear to ear. And I never let my eyes wonder to something else. I found myself entranced within the show. It's like they were casting spells and were hypnotizing me. It was a strange feeling, but I found it pleasing.

I felt someone touch my arm once again. But I couldn't bring myself to look away from the show. "Ryan!" Brent's voice boomed through my ears, making me snap out of it. I looked his way to be greeting with a bright light. I had to squint my eyes to realize it was one of the show lights. Brent was smiling more than ever when I looked at him. I was a bit confused as to why the light was shining on us. Brent rolled his eyes and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look above him.

My eyes widened in awe as I realized why the light was over here. Not even three feet away from me, the red fabric of his suit stood out against everything about him. I looked him up and down as if he wasn't real. As if he were just a figment of my imagination. Was I dreaming again? I could barely see his face due to the shadow of his top hat covering it up, but I could slightly make out a smirk.

"I'm sorry to tell you that you are not dreaming, sir." He held out his white gloved hand to me. I hesitated before putting my hand in his warm one. He pulled me up slightly and wrapped his arm around me. I looked back at Brent still sitting down in the audience. He was still smiling. The man in red squeezed my shoulder as we walked down to the stairs getting closer to the arena. I felt his hot breath against my neck as he whispered to me, "Welcome back to the Sin Circus, Mr.Ross."

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