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Before long, it was finally time for Cassie and Scott's traditional walk, sitting out in the cold, freezing their asses off, and coming back. To be honest though, compared to Mount Everest, the ordinary cold temperatures weren't cold.

The two of them rounded everyone up, including Hank and Hope (who hadn't even eaten), put on their coats and shoes, and stepped outside. To be immediately blinded by the Christmas decorations. Damn it, Scott thought, looking at the way the snow had ruined the red carpet, which he'd forgotten to take inside again. Oh well. It could stay there forever.

It had taken Scott a long time to convince Hank and Hope to come, who were apparently "in the middle of a very serious conversation" when he interrupted them. He'd only managed to make them tag along by saying they could always continue their conversation if they hung back at the back of the group, and just followed. It was a half hour walk, so he was sure they could talk in that time.

Jeez. His girlfriend and her dad were harder to look after than his daughter.

"So, where we off to, boss?" asked Loki to Scott, as they started walking. As he spoke, his Asgardian clothing changed into regular human clothing (probably because he thought he'd look a bit of an idiot like that in public). Scott was pleased to see he kept the Christmas jumper and Santa hat on.

"The cliff place," Scott said, scratching his head under his own Santa hat, his excellent explanation skills making an appearance. "The one I mentioned earlier."

Loki nodded like he understood what he meant. "The one with the non-existent firework display."

"Not non-existent!" Cassie called back from where she was walking up ahead with Maggie, Janet and Paxton. "I'm sure they'll be there this year!"

When she turned her head back around, Scott shook his head at Loki. "She says they'll be there every year. We haven't seen them in about ten years."

"Well, she lives in hope," Loki shrugged. "Who knows, maybe someone will set some off as her Christmas present."

"What do you mean?" he asked, not catching on. "Why would someone set off fireworks just for Cassie?"

Loki shook his head like never mind. He looked behind them. "Strange's having fun controlling his cloak I see."

Scott stopped and stared in confusion. He'd thought Stephen had been walking next to them. But he was slightly behind them, having to hold the cloak to stop it flying off. He wasn't doing a great job, and if he'd been walking up the street and saw him out of context, he'd have gone the other direction. Now he understood where Stephen's Just Dance abilities translated into real life situations, because he was forced to do a kind of dance to keep it under control.

"It's never been to San Francisco before," Stephen explained to them, forcing the cloak onto his shoulders. "Stay!" he told it angrily. Almost like it was a dog...

Oh so that's why Loki had got it a stick for Christmas! Because the cloak thought it was a dog! Scott felt really smart all of a sudden.

"The neighbours won't care, Stephen," Scott told him. "They've seen a giant dude in a motorbike suit come out the ocean and chase a guy carrying a suitcase-sized building."

"So that's where you were when we were fighting Thanos?" Stephen asked, kinda annoyed. "Cosplaying a sea monster and shrinking buildings?"

"Other stuff too," Scott muttered.

"Hey, I mean, I wasn't much more useful," Loki shrugged. "I spent a year floating around space before I realised I was actually still alive. Then it took another year before I got to Midgard."

Christmas at the Lang's: Book FourWhere stories live. Discover now