Chapter. I

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The digital alarm clock which sat on a wooden desk, located towards the right of the sleeping boy; Sounded out.

It was time to wake up...

With one swift movement, the boy who had had just been asleep kicked out of his bed with tremendous force, leaving his bed sheets with no choice but to fall to the floor.

What a way to start off the day.

Hoping out of bed, the boy made his way towards the bathroom. His goal was to complete the basic morning routine of pretty much anybody. First, he brushed his teeth, with a tiny amount of mouthwash.

Then, once he was comfortable, he headed for the shower. Now most people showered to stay clean and hydrated, but this boy had a second reason on top of the first. He used the shower to wake him up...

Which was weird... Because even though most people in the world are exhausted upon waking up, with their only being a selected few capable of breaking this rule. He was already way too energized in the morning.

As he finished his shower, he grabbed a towel placed just above his shower curtain to dry himself off.


Skipping breakfast and getting dressed quickly made it all the easier for the boy to head to school earlier.

He didn't like school. Who would really? But being able to talk to your friends more frequently was something he cherished.

And he wanted to make sure this last year of his Highschool life would be a blast.

The walk took a bit, since he wasn't really used to the directions, after he sat around doing nothing his entire summer. But he still made it over there.

Once he arrived, he stared up at the large school building in front of him. It didn't surprise him much, since he'd been here for three years... But it was definitely a unique feeling he got, different from the norm.

???: "Yo, Y/n" A familiar masculine voice called out to the boy.

Y/n: "Kai? How's it going?" The boy: Y/n spoke, his voice full of happiness at his friends' sudden arrival.

Kai: "I'm good, not so excited about school, but I'm good."

Y/n: "Well you wanna go in together?"

Kai: "Yeah, I don't see why not... But I'll have to stop by the Principal's Office."

Y/n: "Why?"

Kai: "I lost my pre-planned schedule, so I have to ask them directly for directions."

Y/n: "Oh I see..."

Entering the building, the two stared around the interior of the school. It was just a tad bit different. Some lights were newer, the walls were re-painted. It was a slight improvement, but it still caught Y/n's attention.

Eventually, as they made it further down the hall, they had arrived at the Principal's Office; The two friends said their goodbyes, and they continued with their days.

Room: D-15

This was the room Y/n was supposed to head to. At least that's what his schedule told him as he gazed at it, watching every room pass.

"D-12...D-13...Got it!"

Infront of him, stood a regular classroom door. The tannish wood, looked fresh, while still having an older feeling to it.

As Y/n gripped the handle of the door, he swung it open, instantly perceiving the students who flooded the classroom.

The classroom was loud. Everyone could be seen talking to their friends, as they stood conversing near the desks.

I Think I'm Sitting Next To An Assassin! || Male Reader x Scary KuudereWhere stories live. Discover now