As Long As I'm Here

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"Kenchin, let's interlock hands." Mikey held out his hand to Draken.

Draken looks confused at the sudden offer, seeing how Mikey enthusiastically held his hand for him to take.

A/N: Hello guys, it's been a while. There's a lot of stuff going on around me so I can't write much lately. To be honest, I never thought this book would receive this much attention.

But anyways, I'm back. I do have a lot wip for this book so hope y'all looking forward to it.

Anyways, Merry Christmas and hope you have a wonderful day.


"Kenchin, let's interlock hands." Mikey held out his hand to Draken.

It was a cold winter evening and they were on the way back to Draken's room in Shibuya. It's almost Christmas Eve and Mikey thought he should spend some time with his best friend for the night. And they did.

It wouldn't matter anyway, he'll be spending time with his family the next day. Even Emma was out spending time with Hina-chan with their girls night out or something. It's probably just an excuse to buy presents for their boyfriends, Mikey thought. But that's another story.

While on his way, he stumbled upon Draken in a convenience store nearby, discreetly purchasing some of Mikey's favorite snack so they can munch it while watching some random movies.

Mikey snickers and immediately goes inside to surprise him, which leads to a banter in the store that almost gets them kicked out. They did get the snacks they wanted. Mikey offered to wait outside while Draken paid. Mikey looked to the night sky, his gaze shifted towards the cloudless sky and yet no stars could be seen.

Draken could see him from the inside. Mikey bore a longing look in his eyes but he quickly dismissed it. Draken made a mental note to ask him about it. Whether or not Mikey would answer it, it doesn't really matter.

Draken looks confused at the sudden offer, seeing how Mikey enthusiastically held his hand for him to take. As if the face he saw earlier were merely an illusion to the cold winter night. "Why?"

This earned a tiny pout from Mikey. "It's cold after all." Though he said that, it's actually another different reason altogether.

Draken could feel the air surrounding them slowly becoming heavy due to the silence enveloping them. Mikey lightly bit his lip while refusing to look the other in the eye, as if it's some embarrassing story yet to be revealed. His lips parted and he just smiled. "To be honest, it's nothing. It's just during this time, I just felt like it."

Mikey pulled his hand from Draken and immediately stuffed them inside his pocket. "Sorry, that must be weird."

Mikey laughed, trying to alleviate the sudden tension. The awkwardness was stifling as they never had this long uncomfortable silence between them.

Draken stared at his small friend. He knew Mikey had reasons but he didn't want to push further seeing how out of character Mikey looked right now. Without offering a single word, he pulled Mikey's hand and interlocked their fingers together.

Mikey wide eyed at the sudden movement but his gaze gradually softened as his grip around Draken's hand tightened. He softly smiled. "Thanks."

They walked in silence for a while. The tension between them gradually dissolved. Since it's almost Christmas, the streets of Shibuya were packed with people. Families went to dinners, kids running around, couples going on dates and the Christmas jingles can be heard echoing on the big screen.

However, it's as if they're in their own little world right now. Ignoring all the sounds around them, they quickly went to the brothel.

As they finally entered Draken's room, Mikey immediately plopped himself on the bed while Draken turned the heater on.

"Ah, I'm tired."

"You don't even do anything today."

"That's true." Mikey thought for a while. He laughed softly as he looked back at his hand, the one Draken held. He can still feel lingering warmth on his fingertips. " Kenchin.. thank you..for just now."

"For what?"

"For going along with me. Holding hands." Mikey chuckled. A sad smile coloured his face. "It's just that I suddenly remembered something. Something I've forgotten before."

Mikey trailed off, as if trying to recall the memories he once had. "You know, last time when Shinichiro was still here, we were always going on trips to convenience stores or grocery stores. Of course, both me and Emma just went along with him since we're bribed with snacks."

Draken was silent as he waited for Mikey to continue on. "Only in winter, Shinichiro always insists on interlocking our hands to keep warm. I always refuse because it's embarrassing." 

Mikey softly smiled. "Now, even if I want to, I can't. That's why, thank you for that."

Draken answered with a smile of his own. While he appreciates him sharing, it hurts him that he had to relieve all his memories with his brother. It hurts him more that he couldn't fill the void that his brother left no matter how hard he tried.

He sat down beside Mikey on the bed, pulling again his hand and interlocking with him. Mikey turned his head to look. His face was slightly confused but he didn't say anything and just watched. Waiting.

Draken gripped the hand tightly, feeling the calluses on his skin, observing the scars formed from the many fights they faced. Such small hands yet it carries such a heavy burden in it. Suddenly becoming the oldest child, he has the responsibility to protect the family. Being the president of a large group, he had to command a hundred men and never falter.

Never falter. However, no matter how much he tried to hide, Mikey let his vulnerability slip in front of him. Because he trusts him.

Of course, as long as he's here, he'll never betray his trust.

"As long as I'm here, I'll hold your hand for you." And as long as I'm here, I'll be with you. A silent promise.

Draken could see some tears forming on Mikey but he quickly pulled away and shifted his gaze to avoid facing him.

"Thanks." Mikey softly muttered.

"Always." Draken grinned.

A/N: I feel like I can't stress enough on how much Draken would do anything for Mikey just as much as Michy would.

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