Chapter 2

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🕸 A few days later 🕸

"SPIDER MENACE, governments around the world launched investigations into the murderer, know as Spider-man" "Aka, Peter Parker, aka, the web-headed war cri-"

That is the last announcement 'The Daily Bugle' announces as Peter turns off my tv. Peter throws the remote on the couch and walks around the coffee table. Peter has been staying in the Stark Tower for a few days. Peter, Happy and I have been searching day and night for information on the drones. The drones were indeed made by Stark Industries but Peter would never kill anyone even if he wanted to. So there was was no way that sweet Peter Parker could kill Mysterio with those drones.

🕸 Another few days later 🕸

I'm in Peter's apartment again, helping May cook pasta. When Yelena was in the Stark Tower last year she would teach me how to make delicious mac-and-cheese, so I thought I could make it for Peter. But our quiet evening did not last long.

"Federal agents! Open up!"

"Federal agents? You guys stay here." Says May as she stands up to open the door.

"Department of damage control. We have a warrant for the arrest of Peter Parker." We hear a man say.

Peter and I look concerned at each other and we hear the guys at the door having a discussion with May. But a minute didn't even pass and at least 10 cops were standing in the apartment. A few cops had huge cameras and they were taking pictures of the whole everything and 2 other cops grabbed May. Peter launched to her but he was also grabbed by 2 cops. And so was I.

When the cops had driven us to an investigation station, I saw MJ and Ned also being forced by cops to go inside. There was a lot of yelling and pushing, and it took me a lot of holding back to not threaten every cop that even dared to lay a finger on me. We all walked inside and I saw Peter already sitting in a small glass room.

"Peter!" I heard MJ scream. She was walking in front of me and behind me were Ned and May.

"MJ, uh. They had nothing to do with it, sir!" I hear Peter shout.

We all know how much Peter can talk, and I know the best of everyone how everything you say can be used against you. I have never been arrested but every time I did something and the cops were chasing me, I always created a portal just in time. But always, as I turn around, my father is standing in front of me, going to lecture me.

"Don't say anything, we got a lawyer!" May, MJ and I shout at the same time.

All of us get dragged into different rooms with dirty walls, a gross table and some chairs. I sit in one of the chairs and then a man comes in and sits in the chair opposite of me.

"Miss Y/n Strange, correct?" The man says.

"Yes," I say, trying to have no emotion on my face.

"I want a lawyer," I add.

"Why would you want a lawyer, you have nothing to hide right?" He looks at me weirdly.

"You know what, can we just get this over with, ask your stupid questions so I can get out of here," I say back. I know I shouldn't talk back like this but my delicious macaroni is waiting at Peter's place and I'm hungry.

"You are a smart girl with an incredible power and a great future ahead of you, why would you risk it all by getting involved with a vigilante like Peter Parker?" He says in this calm voice.

"Next question," I say while looking at my nails. One of them broke off. F*cking Peter with his weird swing thing.

"Miss Strange? Hello? I'm asking questions here." He says waving his dirty hand in front of my face.

It goes on like this for half an hour. He asks a question. I ignore him. Easy as that.

When everyone is done talking, MJ, Ned and I sit in the waiting room, waiting for May and Peter. I could hear May yell all kinds of stuff. And after waiting for another 15 minutes, May and Peter walked towards us and we all went back to their apartment.

The next day Peter, May, Happy and I sat in the living room. May is cooking something and Happy and I are watching the news. They were talking about us. Of course. They showed a photo of Happy.

With long hair.

"At least they used a good picture," Happy says.

I want to get that image out of my head as fast as possible. And then they showed a photo of me, what a horrible picture. It was a photo of an Avengers meeting 2 years ago, and they just cropped everyone out except me.

"Look, if they wanted a picture of me. They could've just asked me, I have a lot of good pictures on my phone, you know." I say annoyed. I got off the couch to sit at the table Peter and this strange man were sitting. It was probably his lawyer.

"Well I have some good news Peter, I don't believe any of the charges against you are going to stick." The man says. He has these small round glasses and a stick. Maybe he's a mass murderer and uses his stick to kill people. Or maybe he's just blind... But you never know...

Everyone cheers at the news.

"Thank you, Mr Murdock," Peter says. Oooh, that's his name. Cool.

Mr Murdock continues to talk with Happy but I have no idea what they're talking about. Peter and I look at each other with confused faces.

"He's pretty hot," I mouth to him. Peter looks at me even more confused.

"What?" he mouths back.

"He's pretty hot!" I say.

"You know, Y/n, I'm blind, not deaf." Says Mr Murdock. I freeze, realizing that I just said that out loud. Okay, maybe he is just blind.

And then there was a rock thrown through the window. Right at me. How convenient. It didn't hit me, but Peter was still sitting opposite of me. And then I see Mr Murdock holding the rock at the side of my face and giving it to Peter.

"How did you just do that?" Peter asks him while taking the rock.

"I'm a really good lawyer." Mr Murdock says. I laugh uncomfortably but quickly realise this is not a time for jokes. Peter reads what's on the rock and shows it to us


"How are we going to convince everyone that Peter did not kill Mysterio?" I ask, not really to anyone specific.

"I don't know yet, but we need to find that out as quickly as possible." Happy says.

"We can think about that later, but we need a safer place to live," says May.


Merry Christmas everyone! Well, where I live it's the 25th of December exactly 1 AM haha. I don't really feel the vibe of my story yet but maybe it will come later. I don't know if I'm explaining too much. But if you feel like I'm going too slow please tell me it would really help me (and any other tips are also always welcome!)

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