A fun days worth

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Caramel had so much fun in the snow, from the snowmen, the snowball fights, and even sledding for the first time. She never knew snow was so much fun, but after a long day of playing it was dinner time and everyone had to go home and eat. While at the table, Caramel told Doug and Delilah all the fun things she did today and how much she loved the snow. They're both glad to see her so happy.

Later that night, Caramel was laying on her bed thinking about all the things she could get on Christmas Day. Dawkins comes into the room and greets her, and sits next to her while looking out the window p, seeing all the snowflakes falling. Caramel: " is so pretty, never knew snow was fun so much!" Dawkins: " I'm glad you had fun today, let's hope santa gives you amazing gifts tomorrow" he looks at her smiling, Caramel licks his nose and cuddles next to him. Caramel: " Dawkins.." Dawkins: " yes, Caramel?" Caramel: "I love you" Dawkins: " I love you tooo, Caramel"

Soon the Dalmatian and mutant flea cuddles next to each other looking out the window, before falling asleep in a warm embrace.

The end.

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