"The party started already!"

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Although you didn't listen to your mother, your dreams came true now you dance and get paid for your background dancing. You were now 15 walking through a empty valley just a couple miles from your home, your skipping and jumping generally having fun and stuff. After getting exhausted from all the jumping you were doing in the valley you sat on the grassy floor, on your phone texting your friends.

'Hi' is texting. You text like this 'I'm gay' sorry for tmi)

'Hey Gorl! How are you?'
'I'm good Mika, how are you?'
'I'm fine just drinking through the party!'
'WAIT, the party started already?!'
'Yea, didn't I tell you gorl?'
'I was at work i probably didn't see the text.'
'Oh, I'm sorry gorl want me to pick you up later and bring you over?'
'Yes I have no car remember..'
'See ya at 9, Bye Y/N!'

-Oct. 7 2021 Updated to tell the time it was made from future me.

!! The dancer in my dreams !! Glamrock Freddy FazBear !!X!! Reader !!Where stories live. Discover now