dwt - escape

181 6 71

( not rly but whatever )
authors note
a comfy lil oneshot for everyone
who didn't have a good christmas


the constant back-and-forth, words spitting venom, insults and accusations hurled towards one other without so much as a moment of hesitation.

you'd think she'd get used to this, but she really hasn't.

currently, uncle jim and leila's little cousin martha are engaged in a very one-sided debate about the importance of putting your napkin in your lap ( martha says no, it'll mess up her brand-new skirt, jim won't acknowledge her argument ). leila's grandma margaret and grandpa philip simply glare at each other from across the table, no one dares ask the reason. leila's mom is persistently nagging leila's other uncle, rick, about how he picked the wrong table to reserve. apparently this one is too close to the door, the cold wind wafting towards the group is vicious and unforgiving. everyone else seems to be arguing about crypto currency — is it really that bad? —while leila's cousin jason not-so-secretly plays subway surfers on his phone below the table.

here it is, folks: the johnson family's christmas eve dinner, adorned with petty disagreements and decade-0ld grudges brought back into the light.

this is nothing new- leila has been experiencing these conflicts ever since she was a infant, her tiny ears absorbing the words tinged with anger flying around the table.

so, she really should be used to it. after all, all of the other problems in her life she's been able to successfully adapt to - every college she applied to denying her, then many failed job interviews, and finally finding a nanny gig that's she's been suffering through for the past year and half, not to mention her parent's sudden divorce and legal battle that gave leila a newfound appreciation for headphones with music turned all the way up.

all of this can be said - but somehow the words still tear at leila.

a mix of anxiety and anger churns in her stomach.

it's fucking christmas eve! can't they just get along for once?!

her thoughts are poisoned with fury but sedated by sadness, she can't bring herself to say the things that fly across her mind.

" martha, i am not arguing with you on this. every second you spend with that napkin not on your lap is a present taken away. " the young girl seems wounded, the threat of presents being taken away is too far.

" but look at jason! he's on his phone right now, and no one cares about that! " she yells. suddenly the whole table goes silent, the restaurant as well. embarrassment tinges the tips of leila's ears pink.

" martha lily johnson. " 

oh great. of course jim pulls the full name card.

" i will not repeat myself. every single second you spend refusing to listen to me is one present taken away. i'm done arguing. " jim's voice is colder than the weather outside. even leila shivers a bit.

c'mon, she prays, just act normal for once. put your damn napkin on your lap.

a second goes by. then another. everyone exchanges glances, wondering how long this will last. martha is stubborn, but she's a kid, and presents are presents. especially the one with a red bow on top, the one that's very obviously the toy truck she's been begging for for the past year.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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