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"Hey guys, wait up!" Luffy cried. As he approached the group of freshmen,he started to slow down. Luffy bent over and panted, out of breath. " Oh,leader!" Chopper said startled. "We were going to wait for you at the door!" " Ussop, we're already in the school." Everyone was silent"You guys forgot me again, didn't you?" " Yeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhh........." Everyone sounded ashamed. Luffy sighed and laughed. " Well whatever, lets go get food!" " Come 'on Zoro!" He dragged the marmio to the cafeteria, with the rest of the gang following closely behind them. As they sat down with their food, Luffy heard two guys chattering at the table next to theirs. " Don't worry Ace!" " I assure you that we've got the best band in the school!" Luffy snorted, apparently they didn't know that the Mugiwara Band was in the house! Or school........ Whatever, you know what I mean!! Apparently he was a bit loud because the two guys immediately turned to look at him. " You got a problem?" Of course, being the smartass he is, Luffy replied " Yeah, do you?" One of the juniors jumped up, clearly pissed. Luffy just continued to talk," It seems like you guys don't know that there's another band around." The junior looked like he was about to explode with anger. " Calm down Ace!" " Shut up Sabo!" The one with the curly blond hair now dubbed Sabo merely shook his head and said" How about we just have contest to prove who's best?" The one named Ace nodded his head and said "Auditorium, 5:00" Luffy agreed and turned back to his nakama."Guys! We're going to have a competition with the (whats it called) band!" "What band Luffy?"asked Nami, looking nervous." Don't know, they didn't tell me." "Wait, curly blond guy with top hat and googles?" "Yes" "Hot tempered guy with wavy black hair?" "Yep!" " Luffy! That's the number one band coming from Grand Line High, the Spade Band!" "We can take em Nami!" Luffy said enthusiastically. Nami smacked him upright on the head, "No we can't Baka!" The whole gang was speechless besides Nami and Luffy. That was Luffy for you, always doing crazy things."Whatever, I already agreed, lets go!" " Auditorium, at 5:00, okay?"

So how it was? Please give advice and tips (not in money) on how to write better, after all, I'm just a newbie. Also I don't own One Piece.

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