Brotherly Bonds

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Is so sorry! I had no inspiration, and I had no idea how to write another chapter. Also YOU BETTER BE READING THIS NEXT PART!!!!!!!! I own none of these songs I forgot to mention. As well as for my other fanfics. They are 'Animals' by Maroon 5, 'The Phoenix' and'Centuries' by Fall Out Boys, and 'City' by Hollywood Undead. I OWN NOTHING!!!!!

On with the crap!


Shortly after the sudden reunion, you could see two brothers fawning over the younger,asking stupid questions and making death threats after seeing tiny bruises. "Holy shit Luffy we haven't seen you in such a long time! So you have a girlfriend? Is she pretty? She better be or she doesn't deserve you. Are still a virgin? Luffy started to open his mouth to say how stupid these (especially that last one) questions were. But then Ace pulled him into his lap and looked around murderously. "Who the hell took his virginity? Tell me!! " " Calm down Ace, no one took anything from me" sweat dropped Luffy. Ace looked at him with watery puppy dog eyes. "But then I won't be able to kill anybody."he said in a childish voice." No maiming on my watch big brother. Besides at least I still wuv you." Luffy said in an innocent tone." Now I'm hungry can we go eat?" "Sure outoto. " " thank you nii-chan~!" Ace and Luffy ran over to the nearest window and jumped out while holding hands.(while being manly of course, MANLY.) They left their bands both thinking 'what the hell just happened' and their brother Sabo with anime tears rolling down his face and a sign above his head saying 'Forever Alone'.


Well things could have turned out better.


How was it? Please leave a comment so I know that somebody notices me like, are you ready for this sacred word? Yes? Say yes goddammit! Alright. *whispers* Sempai~

Alright enough of that. Bye, KittyCat out!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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