Brandon's Boring Life

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Brandon's P.O.V

   I went back to my cabin, thinking about how rude Jessica was. I had this feeling that she wasn't being herself and was being a little... I don't know... shy? I felt bad bad for her. She didn't seem like herself. I didn't seem like myself either. I was also being rude since I barged into her room like that. Maybe she was just in a bad mood. That's all.
     Note to Self: Be more friendly.
     I got my camera from the wooden desk that was placed in my cabin. The camera was new and I saved up three whole months to get it. I secretly liked photography. If my friend, Michael, finds out he won't even hang out with me anymore. That's why I kept it a secret to myself and didn't tell him.
    Anyway, I went outside the cabin and took great photos of the sea. I was proud of myself for taking such great pictures. Then I took a break of taking pictures. I sat down on a tanning bed and drank lemonade. I had taken my t-shirt off to show off my amazing abs. I sworn some girls were talking and laughing about it.
   I then noticed a girl with long black hair and brown sunglasses who was wearing a bikini. She looked hotter than the other girls staring at me. I thought about making out with her. Okay, now I was getting crazy, I couldn't do that because of how she looked. Don't judge a book by it's cover. But she looked a little familiar to me. Where had I seen her before?
   "Hello, miss. You look amazing," I said to her.
   The girl smiled at me, but when she looked at me closer she rolled her eyes at me in disgust. "You don't recognize me, do you? I'm Jessica, the girl from the cabin." She took her brown sunglasses off, and I finally recognized her.
   "I am so sorry..." I apologized.
    "Forget it! You want this body?" She asked. "You'll get it," Jessica whispered in my ear.
    Jessica took me to the girls bathroom when no one was looking and started making out with me. I thought she hated me. I tried to escape, but I fell in love with her lips. I started kissing her back.
   Jessica an seemed so unpredictable with what she was doing. She was a master at this.

   To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2015 ⏰

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