Chapter 19

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(Listen to distance by Jack and Jack on repeat while reading)
Grace pov
What? This is a joke right? Nichole's not leaving right? She's gotta be ok she has to stay. I look at emilee she's loosing it I sit down and look at everyone cam is comforting emilee Matt is staring into space callie and taylor are hugging and crying. Aaron is hugging shawn Hayes and nash are crying together. Carter was sitting down with his head in his head in hands. Jacob and mahogany were trying to comfort Carter. And Jack? Idk. Lost. Gone. That's all I can say. Soon cam looked at me "grace? Are u okay" he asked me and everyone stared at me. "Yea I think so" I say "well your pale" he says and then everything went black.

Matt pov
The nurses and doctor took gracelyn away. I looked at the doctor when he came back. "So is Nichole" i started "️️️️Dead? No not yet she's in a coma but I give her about 1hr to live her heart is starting to give up the bullet missed her heart barely but hit a major artery" he says I sit down and put head in my hands and run them through my hair "and sir" the doctor says I look up "I found this in her pocket I'm sure it was meant for you guys" he says and hands me a crumpled up piece of paper. And leaves I open it and read it.
"Dear whoever,
I'm sorry I hurt you guys I really am it's like everything I did messed things up I'm sorry. I love you and the others. You guys are my family. Tell everyone this ok. By now I'm probably gone but I will always be with you guys in your hearts love you.

I read that and my heart broke into a million pieces. I stood up and walked outside it was a cool night I stood there while the tears ran down my face. I heard someone walk up behind me. "Matt?" I turned around and guess who I saw. Bethany. "What do you want kill another one of us make another commit suicide. I hope your happy I hope your really fucking happy because your the reason she's in there your the reason for that coma she's in your the reason she's going to die your the reason Jack is loosing it the reason emilee is breaking the reason cartera DM the other boys are messed up right now the reason mahogany won't have a honorary little sister anymore after tonight the reason grace passed out the reason callie has no clue what's happened and crying your the reason for all this and your the reason I'm hurt right now broke never gonna be fixed so I hope your proud of yourself and what you've accomplished because I want you to feel this guilt for the rest of your life so just leave us all the fuck alone because your done you've completed it so just leave because you've caused enough so just go we don't want you around I hope you have to deal with this forever knowing you did all of this you made four girls friendships break the toughest one kill herself the one who shows no one her feeling break the one who has no clue and lives a happy life be sad the one who thought everything was ok realize it wasn't and us guys you broke us the blue eyed ones that live life to the fullest now they have nothing to live for the one who loved her and actually had someone loving them loose it and now he has nothing his bestfriend he's now in there crying the one who was a friend of the blue eyed one he's trying to figure this out and help the love of his life in there the bandana kid he's now in there breaking too and the singer he for once doesn't have a voice the boy that is the shy one he now is no longer shy and the girl with the ears she's not gonna be happy and the boy with Burnie him? He's gone and broken. And this family is broken because of you. so I hope your happy" I tell her she looks at me "tell them I'm sorry" she says "it's to late for sorry " I say and walk back in everyone looks at me. I take the note and hand it to shawn. Then I walk to the car and go to the store I go to bath section and pick up a pack of razors my hand shaking I buy them and go to the car I sit there and cry and sobbing not caring I take the pack and open it shaking I pick one up and sit the box down I turn it over and over around it my hands I take the cap off and pull up my sweatshirt sleeve. Nothing's ever gonna get better. I slay and make a slash.

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