6: the pub

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You sit in the field alone after a long day of training, you and Levi have been avoiding each other these past couple of days. So there's nothing to do but train for any upcoming missions.

You bring your knees to your chest and sigh deeply, truth is you don't even want to go on another mission. You feel like since the death of your comrades you are struggling to find any enjoyment in anything. Understandably.

Staying in the Scouts headquarters is suffocating, all these memories of hanging out with Petra keep flooding your mind. You don't even know how to talk to around here anymore. Petra was your rock, the person you went to for everything. And now...

A tear slips out of your eyes, and you get up angrily and head to your room. You take a quick show and clean up. You're sick and tired of sitting around here whining and feeling sorry for yourself, it's no use.

You get dressed in a regular shirt and jeans and put on your long combat boots. You grab a coat and head outside. It's completely dark out right now, and everyone is probably in their rooms or hanging out with their friends. You walk to the stables and grab your horses, technically you can't just leave the headquarters without letting anyone know.

You decide to ignore the rules and head out without informing anyone, plus Levi would only bother you further if you told him. Unfortunately, Levi has keen eyes and has been keeping watch of you. So notices that you're grabbing your horse and leaving, his mind races trying to come up with what to do. He can go down right now and catch up, or he can just let you go off on your own.

With any other cadet, he would've made no exception and scolded them for acting childish. But with you...

You are completely unaware Levi is watching you as you leave right now. Thankfully no one else sees you and you exit calmly.

You're unsure where to even go, you don't go out often and you don't have anyone to go to. What a shame. You ride through the forest and feel the chilly air refresh your mind, maybe it was a good decision to leave. Finally, you make it to the city and the first place you see is a pub. You were never a drinker even in events you rarely liked drinking, but today is the day you wanted to drink the most. You hated when people ignored the problems by drinking but what other choice did you have?

Levi grew uneasy in his office, he couldn't focus all he could think about is you. There are lots of creeps in the city, who knows what you will be caught up with. Before he can question himself, he leaves his office and goes to follow you.

He tracks all the horse's footsteps and reaches you, he notices that you are standing outside the pub looking at the sky. What the fuck is she doing, he asks himself rolling his eyes. You put your horse down and enter the pub.

You take a seat at the bar and ask for a drink, you felt like a dumbass for being here but yet again what else were you going to do. You put your head down on the counter and wait till your drink gets here.

An older guy walks up from behind you and sits next to you, but you don't pay him any attention. He gives you a couple of glances before smirking and beginning to talk.

"You from around here?" he asks, and it slightly pains you that being in the Scouts takes up so much of your time that now people don't even know you. You roll your eyes and try to ignore him, but he keeps staring at you. God, why can't this guy just leave me alone?

"No" you lie to shut him up. Instead, he smirks further and takes it as an opportunity to keep hitting on you. Meanwhile, Levi enters the pub quietly and sees you with this guy. Instantly he can feel your discomfort, but he waits a moment to see what happens.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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