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"You saw that, right?"

The others look at Freddy, tilting their head in confusion. The place was now closed, yet it has yet to strike midnight. There were still workers in the building, so the main trio were backstage, waiting to be looked over by the maintenance worker.

"What're you talking about, Freddy?" Bonnie asked, adjusting his seated posture to face the bear. They were no longer in their animatronic appearance, now looking like human versions of the suits.

Bonnie was tall, thin yet has a sturdy build. He wore a purple vest over a black button-up, a red bowtie around his neck and black slacks covering his legs, along with polished black dress shoes. His hair was slicked back, a few strands curling around his cheeks.

Chica, who sat on the other side of the two, wore a yellow dress with a white frilly apron, the words "Let's Eat!" decorate the fabric. White leggings were on her legs with orange boots layering on top, textured in a way that would mimic the chicken's animatronic feet. Her hair was cut short, a pixie cut, with a cupcake pin keeping the fringe from getting in her face.

Freddy, who leans against a wall, wore a brown vest on top of a white button-up, brown slacks to go with it ending off with black shoes. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, showing some of his muscles on his forearms. He was a little shorter than Bonnie, but was much broader in comparison. His hat lies on a box next to him, his slightly unkept hair, due to him running his hands through it, framed his face.

"During the power outage. A kid went to the security office while everyone was distracted."

"What?! Did they take anything?" Chica exclaimed, getting up on her feet.

"No. They...I think they fixed the power."

"In the security office?" It was Bonnie's turn to ask, furrowing his brows in disbelief. "How?"

"I'm not sure...maybe the hacked into the system?"

"Well," Bonnie starts. "If I remember correctly, most of the programming in this building are linked to one system, - at least, the building power - so they were probably able to access it from the security office."

"But why?" Chica asks.

Freddy furrows his brows a bit, lowering his head in thought. "I'm not sure..."

Chica hummed a bit, putting a hand under her chin. "Were you able to see them, Freddy?"

Freddy blinked a bit, then raised his head. "I did." He turns his head to look at the two, who give him an expectant look. He sighs and closes his eyes for a moment, scanning through his data before finding what he was looking for. "Y/n L/n. In their 20's, unemployed."

"Huh, well, there's that," Bonnie blinks.

"Well, we should be thankful. If it wasn't for them, we'd have to end the party early with unhappy guests."

Chica, always the optimist one. Freddy weighs his options, tilting his head side to side before coming to a conclusion. "Well, they may have broken a rule, but...I suppose they can get a free pass. They did help the situation, after all."

Bonnie and Chica grin and look at one another, then look back at Freddy, Chica speaking up again. "Think you can share their file with us, Freddy? So that the next time they visit, we can see who it was ourselves?"

"I'll send you the files after maintenance," he states, looking over towards the curtain that leads to the main room. "They're here."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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