Chapter 1 ~ Vanessa:

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Vanessa ~

It was a sunny Friday afternoon. I was still at my workplace at a magazine company. As I carried on working, my boss called me into the office because he wanted to talk to me. I walked into the office as he sat on his desk. I was so nervous about what he was going to say.

Mr Cooper: Good Afternoon, Miss Hudgens, I have a promotion for you. There is a new company called Interview. They are still a magazine company, but they are more financial than us and the boss who owns this Interview Company is Zac David Efron.

Vanessa: No offence sir, but he sounds a bit of a jerk, and I don't really want to work with someone like that.

Mr Cooper: None taken, listen to me all his co-workers are nice even if he isn't you'll get used to his moods I promise you, you will be better over there where there's more money over there than here.

Vanessa: Okay, I will give him a shot, but may I ask why am I the only one having this promotion have I lost my job?

Mr Cooper: No, of course not, I just think you're ready for this promotion but mostly I think you and your original ideas might be able to help his business out a bit.

Vanessa: Right, if you say so, so when do I start?

Mr Cooper: Oh, you will start your new job over there on Monday.

Vanessa: That soon?

Mr Cooper: Yes, is there a problem?

Vanessa: No, of course not, it's just fast that's all.

Mr Cooper: Well, I will give you time to finish your work and say goodbyes while packing up your stuff ready for your new promotion work.

Vanessa: Gee, thanks.

As I walked out of the office, I couldn't believe I was getting a promotion although it felt like I was getting fired, when I walked back to my desk, I could see Ashley walking towards me.

Ashley: Hey, V, what's going on? Why are you packing your things? What did the boss want?

Vanessa: Ashley, breathe, I'm being promoted to another company and the boss wanted to tell me in private, but it feels like I'm being sacked.

Ashley: Wait, you're being promoted?

I nodded at her sadly and happily at the same time, she helped me pack the rest of my stuff.

Ashley: Wait, what are you going to tell Austin?

Vanessa: I'm sure he'll be proud of me, I think.

Ashley: Well, come on, V he wasn't happy when you took this job because of the rumours of our boss what's he going to be like when you go to another company with a new boss.

Vanessa: I don't know Ashely, I guess I will have to find out and I'll tell you later okay, look I'm already sad about leaving okay, but we will still see each other.

I hugged her tightly as she hugged me back, I pulled away when I was about to turn to leave, I bumped into a guy with a pair of sunglasses on with a shirt with three top buttons open revealing his bare chest as I bumped into him his aftershave hit my nose it was that strong.

Zac: *Sexy deep huskily voice* Look, where you are going, clumsy.

Vanessa: I'm sorry.

As he walked away, I looked at Ashley who was laughing at me, I left the building and got in my car as I was driving home, I saw a car behind me with bright lights in my mirror gosh turn your lights down you idiot until he started flashing the bright lights at me.

Once it was my turn, I turned the corner making the car behind me speed after I turned, what an Idiot I turned onto my drive where I saw my boyfriend's car since he lives with me.

Vanessa: Hey, baby, I'm home.

When I called out to him, he didn't answer but I could hear him talking to someone, as I walked into the living room, I saw him on the phone.

Austin: *On the phone* Yeah, well I must go now, I'll see you tomorrow with the guys.

After Austin hung up, I stood up in front of him making him look at me in a way I couldn't explain.

Vanessa: Okay, I must tell you something and I'm not sure how you're going to react.

Austin: What?

Vanessa: Well, my boss called me to his office to talk to me, he technically gave me a promotion but... it's with a different company.

Austin: Right.

Vanessa: And the company is called Interview and there is a new owner who will be my new boss, and his name is Zac Efron.

Austin: Wait, Zac Efron?

Vanessa: You've met him? How come you didn't tell me?

Austin: Uh, I did.

Vanessa: No, you didn't.

Austin: Yes, I did, it's not my fault you weren't listening.

Vanessa: I can't believe you met him, and you didn't say anything.

Austin: Vanessa, I told you about it as I came home.

Vanessa: Well, you know what, I don't care about your opinion. I'm taking the promotion.

Austin: Fine, do what you like, it's your life, not mine I'm just your loved one everything I say doesn't really matter anyway.

Vanessa: Don't say that you know you're important to me.

Austin: Look, I understand that I'm important to you, but you know what sometimes it's like you don't listen or want to know my opinion.

Vanessa: I do, it's just...

Austin: It's just what?

Vanessa: I know you don't like the idea of me working with a jerk like Zac Efron.

Austin: Look, all I'm going to say is careful of him, okay?

Vanessa: I will, I love you Austin and nobody is going to change that, not even some jerk that I must call my boss.

Austin: I love you too, baby V.

I hugged him for a while as I was laying on his chest, he pulled me up to ask me what I wanted for dinner.

After some time, Vanessa and Austin ordered a takeaway while they were waiting for it. Vanessa went up to get changed while Austin was watching tv listening out for the door. 

After some time, the doorbell went as we served up our takeaway we sat down and watched a film while eating our food, Austin then poured us some more wine as we finished eating, we just enjoyed some quality time before doing the dishes and going to bed. 

A/N: ~ 

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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