Merry Christmas, Kiss my Ass

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He gripped the edge of the window and lifted it open, allowing it to creak as he slowly raised it. 

Somehow, after all these years, he'd still managed to convince himself that if he opened it slow enough it wouldn't make a noise. He was wrong. Obviously.

The sound of the old window opening was almost as obnoxious as the sound of him collapsing through it and onto the floor of his bedroom. 

Jason groaned, arms scrambling for the windowsill to haul himself to his feet and slam the window back down with no care for the noise it sent across the walls of the small room.

He peeled his suit of, piece by piece, wincing at each pull that proved too much for his bruised skin and muscles. He swiped some pajama pants from his bedroom floor and pulled them on, opting to go shirtless so that he didn't have to face the painful tug of the scrapes on his torso from dragging fabric across it again. 

He sighed, pulled back the white sheets and got into bed. Finally.

"Jason?" The question sounded as a low pitched groan accompanied with the sheets rustling as the other man turned to face him.

"Yeah, its just me." He replied with a quiet laugh.

"You're late, is it Christmas yet?"

"Yeah, I know, its been Christmas for about," he looked to the clock on the bedside table, "35 minutes."

"Well then, Merry Christmas Jason." Roy huffed out sounding equal parts amused and tired.

"Merry Christmas Roy."

Jason settled down, unable to conceal a wince at the movement but choosing to ignore it. His head was starting to feel foggy and the world around him felt slow, right now, all he wanted to do was lay his head down and sleep. 

The rustling beside him got louder and soon the lamp on the other side of the bed flickered on.

"You're hurt." Roy stated, sitting up and facing him.

Jason groaned and shoved his face deeper into the pillow, making his next words slightly muffled. "Its a scratch, I'll live, now let me sleep."

Roy swung his legs over the bed and walked over to Jason's side, emitting an annoyed huff as he did so. He grabbed the blanket and pulled it off of him, letting it fall to the floor. 

"We're not doing this again Jason, get up now. After I sort this out, then we can go back to sleep."

A few seconds passed in silent. A few seconds where Jason thought that if he stayed still and quiet then Roy would would leave him alone. A few seconds where Roy stood impatiently towering over Jason. 

Jason broke the silence with an irritated, reluctant groan.

"God you're a dick sometimes." He complained.

"Love you too Jay, now up."

The Red Hood swung his legs over the edge of the bed, poorly hiding the sharp intake of air from twisting his torso in such a way. Through the pain, he still made his eye roll obvious despite the fact that his attitude was being purposefully ignored at the moment. 

"Quicker we do this, the quicker we can get it done." Roy offered while reaching under the bed for the first aid kit.

He could hear Jason laughing softly at his choice of words and stood quickly to hit him lightly on the arm.

"Mind out the gutter weirdo, be happy that I'm letting you bleed all over the bed and that I'm not kicking you out of the room."

Roy moved back onto the bed to sit behind Jason, allowing him better access to the cut across the back of his shoulder. 

Jason smirked and held his hands up slightly in mock offence before raising an eyebrow and asking, "Am I bleeding?"

Roy laughed loudly, the only worry present being in the wrinkles appearing on his forehead, "That should be concerning, but yes Jason, you are bleeding."

"Is it bad?"

"Well you're still talking, so it could be worse." He shrugged.

He opened the kit, knowing that there wasn't much he could do for Jason but to clear the dirt, cover some of the scrapes up and let him rest. But it was doing so that gave him piece of mind. It reminded Roy that he was there for Jason as much as Jason has always been there for him. Cleaning his wounds and helping Jason to bed did as much for him as it did for his boyfriend. 

"It's a cut on your back," Roy narrated while taking out a cotton ball and alcohol, "It's not that deep so I'll just clean and cover it, I still want to check it in the morning though."

"That's fair," Jason replied through gritted teeth as the feeling of pressure on his back made him recoil. 

"Sorry," Roy muttered as he threw the now bloodied cotton ball into the bin at the side of the bed.

He reached back into the kit for a decently sized bandage to cover the cut with before getting more of the cotton wool to clear the rest of the dirt away from Jason's, arms chest and back.

"You don't have to do this y'know?" Jason all but whispered.

"You say this every time."

"And you still insist on it."

Roy sighed, "Because I love you."

"But I already know that, you don't have to try and prove it."

"I'm not proving it, Jason," He said, force applied to his tone in desperation, "I'm showing it. There's a difference."

Jason sighed, a self deprecating laugh lacing the edge of it, "You keep going sappy on me."

"And?" Jason could practically hear Roy's smirk as he spoke, "Nothing wrong with that, besides," he lent down and pressed a soft kiss to Jason's shoulder, "You can't pretend you don't like this."

"What," Jason chuckled, "You being all soft?"

Roy hummed, "Mmm, that,and the fact that I end up playing nurse every time you tumble through that window."

Roy packed the kit away and stood up to put it back under the bed.

"Now who needs to get their head out the gutter?" Jason laughed loudly.

"Hey, that's how you interpret it, not what I said."

Jason shrugged softly and went to lie back down. Roy walked back to his side of the bed, switched the lamp back off, and climbed in next to him.

"Maybe if your lucky," he said to Jason as he turned to face him, "I'll give you an early Christmas present when we wake up."

"Do I need to get my head out the gutter again or am I thinking right?" 

Roy laughed, "That's up to you. Merry Christmas Jason."

Jason smiled up at  him, "Merry Christmas Roy."

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