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- A month later -

So after a month, and a few more times of Aj and Howie hanging out and doing whatever, they have to get back on the road.

Aj and Howie both agree to share a room, however the company states they've already arranged it in a specific order.

Aj thinks that this is BS, who cares if he and Howie are partnered so long as there's two people to a room, correct?

Well, he so happens to be partnered with Nick.

Brian with Kevin,

and that leaves Howie to his own room.

Well.. Aj supposes that's not so bad. He can still hang out with him and get some alone time with him. So long as he doesn't sleep there (Theres only one bed) then there's no issue.


They get to the hotel, they unpack, and Nick immediately starts being his dumb goofy self.

"Knock it off, Nick."

"Nahhhhh. Don't think I will." He says with a grin, heading straight to jump on his tidily made bed.

"Nick you're so childish. C'mon. At least take the pillows off first for more room." Aj chucks the pillows off his bed, laughing as he joins Nick in jumping on his bed.

They continue for about ten seconds before the door opens and they see Howie.

"Nick have you seen- Oh hi Aj. Uh.. what are you guys doing-?" He looks a bit surprised at the two, and Aj hops off the bed, Nick following his action quickly.

"Oh sorry. I was just ehm.. just testing the sturdiness of the bed..?"

Howie blinks for a few seconds. "Uhhh.. right.."

"No wait not like that." Aj tries to explain himself, feeling himself getting flustered over the awkwardness.

Suddenly, Howie jumps back as Nick throws a pillow at him.

"PILLOW FIGHTTTT!!" Nick yells, tossing a pillow at Aj and Howie sighs and shakes his head.

"Dude, Nick, you're so childish. I get you're bored but go find a girlfriend or something seriously. I just wanted to talk to Aj for a sec."

"Fine fine Mr. I only sing in the back of the songs and I think i'm so cool." Nick sticks his tongue out at Howie.

"Oh yeah yeah sure Mr. The record label didn't like me enough so they got Justin Timberlake to copy me. Whatever. Aj, Do you wanna hang out with me? As you know I have my own room. It just feels kinda empty."

"Knucklehead" Nick says, tossing one of Aj's pillows at Howie, who catches it and tosses it back.

"Oh sure, Howie. I could use some time away from this toddler." Aj chuckles a bit and looks at Nick just in time to avoid another airborne pillow.

Howie nods, and they both walk off.

"Hey guys no fair!! Fine, I will find a girlfriend Howie!! and I'm gonna do her right in Aj's bed-"

"Okay yeah yeah have fun with that." Howie slams the hotel door shut behind them with a click and then starts chuckling. "Jeez. He has an attention problem."

"Ya think, Howie? Kinda hoping he's joking about that last part though."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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