montgomery gator

143 6 19

(first person. and holy shit it's so hard to make a story w out it being cringe. )
idk how animatronics have robo dick. but yeah just say it emerges or something from is inner self🙄
(art is from squid_nuudel on tt)
well i've had some flirty interactions with monty for a couple weeks now, nothing too big just simple gestures. he makes it so obvious he's wanting to get in my pants like him waiting for closing time to come bug me at the main office.

i had my feet propped up staring at my phone with all the doors shut, just an empty main office with lots of buttons, chairs, tvs, cameras.
i never really had to watch the cameras for 'moving animatronics' everyone who's ever worked here knows what goes on inside the robots, plus everyone is different now. boss is talking about someone new taking over my shifts some week nights, vanessa i think.

i flipped through my phone once more as i see from the corner of my eye someone in their room tearing it to shreds, like just after we gotten it cleaned this morning from LAST-NIGHTS ruckus.
i sighed and put my feet on the ground scooting the chair closer as the wheels rolled, i pressed monty's room and grabbed the microphone. "you know messing up your room everynight and making staff clean it up the next morning isn't a nice way to flirt with a girl"

he turned towards the camera in the corner of the room pointing up at me as he shook his head. "yeah well if you wouldn't play so damn hard to get maybe i wouldn't have to like god damn!" he kicked at his chair.

i only dragged my hand across my face letting out a 'ugh'

"if i come down there and visit with you will you pick your room up? so i don't get in trouble with my boss or what?"
he looked around and shrugged then nodded quickly.
i pressed the microphone button and set it back now getting up. i looked at the cameras once more, everyone seemed to be doing their own thing.

i opened the door and closed it behind me now going down the stairs to the main lobby to enter monty's room.

i opened the door to monty cleaning up slightly. and by slightly i mean picking up the not broken stuff.
"montyyy" i said closing the door and leaning against his desk, he turned around now tilting his head back.
"you came pretty fast huh" he snickered.
"yeah well anything to keep a extra bucks from my paycheck " i said slyly.

"well we're all alone now" he laughed evilly "no ones around y/n."
"yea so what" i said crossing uncrossing my legs and kinds manspreading on his desk leaning back giving him a look.

"oh don't chu' start that gaze at me." he rolled his eyes after studying my body.
"well if you don't want my gaze what am i doing here? babysitting?"
he quickly walked up inbetween my legs startling me as he grabbed my thighs pulling them closer to the edge of the desk.

"you could say sumn like that." he looked at my breasts then my eyes.
i slowly started to rub his cold metal hands that were holding my thighs very tightly, he didn't know his own strength that was very much clear.
"oh monty when will you never not be a tease, we all know you are" i said slowly scooting back up, but my jeans harshly dragging on the wood desk as he pulled me closer.

"and just because i haven't had you makes me a tease huh?" he said with that look in his eyes. he could either throw me across the room and scream at me. or.. let's not talk about the other one.

"no that's not the reason at all. Montgomery" i pushed at his chest plate as he didn't budge.
"are we going to do this?" i said laughing from nervousness, he just slowly started to rub his face against my neck smelling my hair as he pulled my hips closer.

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