Our start

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( A/N: Please note that because of school and my lack of motivation this may be a slow-moving story. Thanks!)

I heard a "BING" on my phone as I walked down the heavily neon hallway in hopes to find the front desk from within the maze of animatronic posters and bright pink and green neon. As I walked on further along the hallway, I found an elevator and quickly went inside in hopes to maybe have a button reading "Front desk" on it, only to be greeted by 10 buttons unlabeled and left unknown "Damnit, could I have at least have gotten a clue on to where to find this place?" I cursed under my breath pressing a random button as the doors closed and I descended downwards. I took out my phone, surveying over it to see what the message I got was. Seeing it was from one of my new co-workers, Dixie. I quickly opened it "Hey! the boss wants to let you know that you should most likely come in earlier, one of the animatronics just malfunctioned so now's maybe a pretty good idea to have some extra help on the team," Dixie said. I shook my head, quickly replying with an "I would be there, but I'm lost. Mind telling me where it is?" only to have her not answer.

As I went from floor to floor trying to find where the main attraction was, I made it, finally finding it on the 7th floor.  As the doors slid open, I exited, being greeted with a huge mall-like area with food courts from wall to wall and many pairs of stairs leading downwards to a seating area with a HUGE stage in the far back middle showcasing a malfunctioning Freddy and his gang. I walked up to the stage, watching as the little bits of people began leaving on the elevator that was across from the one I was on before. I watched as Freddy's head popped and fizzled before sparking and dying out, making his whole body jolt. I felt eyes being placed on me as I felt uneasy turning to look at the worried animatronics only finding to make eye contact with one of them, Roxanne. She was most likely one of the best made one's out of all of them I can't lie when I say she is beautiful her yellow eyes glistened almost illuminating her gray and pale fur "Sad what happened to him, huh?" a feminine voice behind me muttered as a soft hand was placed onto my shoulder. Turning around I was greeted with the face of my co-worker, Dixie. She was so graceful looking her winter snow like hair complemented her umber skin, she was tall, around 5'8 and her high heels made her taller as she towered over my smaller frame almost protectively (A/N: sorry if you're not actually that short :,) ) making me feel as though I was a porcelain doll within a room full of cushions, blankets, mattresses, and other soft items. I glanced up at her, watching as she stared back with a soft smile across her face, I choked on my words, almost forgetting how to speak. "Y-Yes! I'm super sorry about what happened to him Dixie" I said, bringing my head back down and looking up to the stage, watching as some of the other workers helped drag Freddy up from the stage's cold flooring. Dixie removed her hand from my shoulder and began walking ahead of me before waving and telling me to follow her, while walking up the stage steps I feel a pair of eyes being glued onto my again making me look up once more seeing it was Roxanne Wolf again "Why does she keep staring at me? maybe she's trying to figure out who I am?" I think, walking past her and the other animatronics, not even feeling her eyes peel away for a second.

As Dixie and I came to a stop in front of Freddy's now standing body, she turned to me, "Y/N, because of Freddy's malfunction we, are going to need some help with checking and changing all of the animatronics programming's. Do you think that sounds like something you can do?" Dixie asked, looking behind me almost as to see the other animatronics suddenly break down out of nowhere, "Yup! I may have only been working here for about 30 minutes now, but I think I have a pretty good handle on all that kind of stuff." I said, beaming at her with a bright smile. Dixie nodded before crouching down and grabbing a tool bag by Freddy's feet "all right then, why don't you do some scans over Roxanne's code, maybe change up a few things to strengthen her durability?" Dixie asked as I gave a simple nod and walked over to the animatronic, grabbing a tool bag by her feet and taking her Paw within my hand before whisking her away into her repair center, hearing as her tail swished behind her.    

Her golden bloom (A Roxanne wolf x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now