~What is this!?~

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 After I finished dragging Roxanne into the repair room, I felt off, almost as though something about this whole being alone thing was wrong, but I shrugged it off as I instructed her to sit down on the couch as I plugged a cord into her left arm sitting next to her as her code began loading on my computer. I typed up a passcode to look at the scripted code and began scanning over it for any errors or open gaps while Roxanne watched over my shoulder closely, tail still wagging behind her. Now and then, I would glance at her from the side of my screen almost in hopes to catch her staring, but every time she would swat her head away by the 5th time, I got tired of it "Roxanne" I said, glaring at her harshly, she turned to me ears perked up in attention "Why do you keep looking at me? Do you not know who I am? Because I'm sure you have me in your code written down as Y/N L/N, I'm sure Dixie put it in all of the animatronics code before I came here...at least that what she told me," I muttered, scanning back over the random numbers and a few words that were on the computer screen in front of me.

I felt Roxanne shift in her seat next to me before she spoke. "Nothing is wrong with my code Y/N, but I feel as though there might be something wrong with my sensors. Ever since you showed up, they've been overheated and just going bananas!" she huffed, bending down to grip at her ruffled hair. I frowned, looking up from my computer and closing it before gently taking out the cord in her arm, making her jolt slightly, and look at me "Gimme your head. I might be able to figure out the issue from there." I said, grabbing a screwdriver from my bag. I felt my heart pick up pace, watching as Roxanne's head fell softly onto my lap and her yellow eyes glared into my E/C ones, almost like she was trying to carve them out in a way, I couldn't tear away so I just stared as she did the same soon glancing away after getting a low battery notification "You could turn on sleep mode while I check your sensors, it might take a while until I find the issue" I said twirling the screwdriver in my hand.She nodded, but her eyes stayed open as she spoke, "Listen, you may be new here and all. But if I found out that even one of my sensors isn't as perfect as I am I WILL hunt you down" she growled, I just shook my head "Don't worry Roxy, it's just a scan over if I feel I can't fix something I will have someone else do it for me" I huffed watching as she rolled her eyes and went into sleep mode leaving me with her motionless metal body.As I began taking off her facial panel I started getting lost in my thoughts "This has got to be one of the weirdest animatronics I have ever worked on...I mean, none of the others would just lay their head down onto your lap without asking, right? and why was her tail wagging the whole time we were so close? Dog wag their tails when they're happy, right? Does the same thing apply to wolves? did they even put that in her system!?" I grunted as my mind began swamping with thoughts as I just wished they would shut up for once about the dumb animatronic. Scanning over her sensors, I saw little to no issues other than the fact that there were just a few pieces of confetti from what I assume was from past birthday parties and such and some loose screws here and there but nothing too difficult to manage.

While I began putting her faceplate back on, I typed away on my computer, doing one last scan over now realizing that she might have had some kind of bug or virus of some sort. While the system went over her code, I finished putting her faceplate back on and got up, removing her soft fluffy head from my lap. I turned my back to her motionless form and went to the other side of the room where the re-charge station was grabbing a cord and pulling it back over to her, inserting it into her arm.

Just then, the scanner finished showing no results of any bugs or viruses within her mechanical body I sighed, shutting the computer and grabbing it as I head for the door, only sparing a glance back to make sure Roxanne was okay. 

(Time skip by a couple of hours, you are now at home typing away at your computer inserting some information on what you found with Roxanne and answering a few welcome e-mails from coworkers)

As I sit in my darkened room, the only light being shown from my computer, I began drifting away into thought about the devilish wolf from before "It's so odd...I didn't find any issues whatsoever about her code! so what could have been the issue?" I unfolded my hand, laying it flat in front of me "Okay, she said she was overheated and that it happened when I came in, so could I have maybe had something on me that messed her up? No way it would have affected her more the closer I got. so overheating, tail wagging, nervous chatter...Wait" I widened my eyes throwing myself from my seat, "Could she!? No, no, no, no, no. She's a robot! she doesn't know what love is, much less human emotions...but her coding and programming are unlike anything I've ever seen so there is a chance" I felt heat rise to my face as I began circling my sofa. My heart picked up pace as I slammed my hand over it "Wha-WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" I yelled as the quick realization hit me. I Y/N L/N am in love with an animatronic wolf.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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