An Unwanted Conversation

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        Attention: For those viewers who may have a problem with some adult 'stuff.' This book will have some language, alcohol, etc. I'm just warning you cause I care. :)

Elsa's POV

        Its been about a week since my little talk with Mr. Jack Frost and today my friends Rapunzel and Merida were at my place to check it out for the first time and my sister Anna tagged along. I know it seems like a long time for them to come over ,but we all have busy schedules.

        "Nice place ya got here" Merida said as she nods in approval before relaxing on the recliner love seat. She stretched her arms before her head before saying "not bad, not bad at all."

        "How are things with that annoying neighbor of yours Els?" Punzie asked me as she prepared snacks for our movie night. "Annoying neighbor?" Anna asked in confusion, "what annoying neighbor?"

        "Oh yeah" Punzie said with a wink making me roll my eyes playfully. "He's this idiot who lives next door who is always blasting his music at top volume. Every time he does it Elsa can feel the walls vibrating" Punzie explained.

        "I do not feel the walls vibrating" I yelled as I came out of my hall closet with the selection of movie we have to choose from. I pop a random one in the DVD player before saying "she exaggerating, Anna. Its not like that. He's just really loud" I said as I got the movie ready.

        "How come this is the first time I've ever heard about him" Anna asked as she was eager to eat her feeling when Punzie came with the snacks ready. After Anna's bad breakup with her long term boyfriend Hans, she kinda needs this. Some time with her girls.

        "Is he still loud" Merida asked before opening a soda and taking a sip. "He's not as annoying as before" I told them as I took a seat next to Punzie and Anna. "He broke up with his, like, tenth girlfriend the other day. I could hear her throwing a bunch of shit everywhere acting immature. And I got a front row seat of her yelling" I told them while taking some popcorn from the bowl on the coffee table in front of us.

        "Why do you deal with that? You could just file a noise complaint" Anna told me.

        "I don't need to. I already told him to quiet down myself. I'm glad he listened to me" I said with a smirk and some confidence. Punzie, Merida, and Anna all glanced at each other with raised eyebrows and then looked back at me with narrowed eyes. "Yourself? Listened to you? What do you mean?" they all asked.

        "Oh" I said as I looked down. I could feel my cheeks beginning to get warmer. I take a long sip from my Arizona before speaking. "I asked him to keep the noise level down a week ago. No biggie" I said calmly.

        "Wait, you've seen him?! And met him?! What is he like?!" Punzie asked me enthusiastically with her eyes twinkling from curiosity making my nerves increase.

        "Nothing much. He's just your average guy next door" I say after taking a big gulp. I could tell that I was getting red ,judging by the mischievous looks on their faces. "Guys, let's just watch the movie" I told them trying to change the subject.

        "Who care about the movie. We've seen it like a hundred times already. This is far more interesting" Anna said as Merida and Punzie agreed making me frown in defeat. "Seriously guys, its nothing really" I told them in a serious and frustrated tone.

        "If it's so called nothing, then why are you blushing so hard?" Merida asked as the three smirked. Damn them.

        "Is he cute?" Anna whispered as she looked at me with her eyes full of excitement and curiosity. "And by cute, she means fuckable" Punzie said as Anna nodded. I glared at them with a dry look as they smiled widely.

        "Seriously guys? Were supposed to be adults not high school teenagers..." I told them as I crossed my arms. "You're stalling" Merida points out "just answer the damn question."

        "Or would you rather have us knock on his door to see how he looks like" Punzie asked with a smirk making me have no choice. Either I embarrass myself in front of my best friends or be embarrassed by my best friends in front of a totally hot guy. 

         "If you must know..........he was..........somewhat good looking" I responded while avoiding their gazes. "But was he fuckable? That's the only part were interested in" Merida said making me gulp.

        I sighed before speaking. "Yes. He was fuckable" I told them with an eye roll. "But it doesn't matter anyway because he's an infuriating little brat. And I'd never fuck him in a bajillion years" I told them as they gasped.

        And with that, the conversation is put to an end. Movie night continued without any problems at all. I just hoped that Jack didn't hear any of that considering how thin the walls are. If I could sometimes hear him talk on the phone ,then he probably could have heard my loud conversation with my hyper friends.

               * * * * * * * * *

        Its been a few days since that strange movie night with my friends. And I didn't even realize that I was used to listening and hearing to the sounds of the loud dub step until I didn't hear it for about a weeks or so. I was getting sleep without being woken up with rhythmic beats of Jack's workout. It wasn't a bad thing ,but for some reason I felt restless.

        Its been getting increasingly obvious about his absence when I noticed his untouched mail box. So by telling myself that's it to help the mailman so he doesn't have to think of new ways to stuff all the new mail in, I picked up all of his mail so I can give it to him when he returns.

        It got to the point where I would put my ear to see if I could hear anything from next door. Anything at all. But it just made me slightly disappointed when it was just dead silence. It also made me felt a bit lonely.

        In fact, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't miss hearing his fun dub step music.

        But it wasn't like I miss him or anything like that. I barely know him. Its just that I've gotten very accustomed to his schedule and day-to-day activities. Listening to his daily routine has somehow become a part of my schedule as well. I've even learned the name of his best friends and somehow odd friends with them too. Even though I don't even know them.

        There's Kristoff, who sells ice for living making him travel a lot. Hiccup, who is planning to become a professor at a local University. And Flynn, who works at Amazon and just carries boxes here and there. 

        Strangely, his life  part is slowly becoming a small part in mine. And now that he hasn't been around lately, it feels odd and unbalanced.


        Hiya snowflakes!!!!

        Hoped ya liked this little chapter of mine. I got a comment saying that I should update so I said 'why not.'

        Please vote, comment, share, follow, or just check out my other stories. I got a new book called 'Big 5 +Friends React to Ships' its hilarious so please check that out. And also thank you soooooo much for the +1k votes it means a lot. : )

        I love ya! Snow Queen out bishes!

-Snow Queen

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