Chapter 2: Portal Gun

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As Arthur Morgan was riding the carrage to riverwood, Shrek was explaining his complete backstory. I'm guessing that you're a legend and that you've watched Shrek so we'll skip him and move onto Ocelot.

Ocelot: Since we're in this together I guess I can tell you somethings about me. I used to be in the russian military and I enjoy dual wielding the single action army revolvers. Such a majestic weapon.

Arthur: I'm more of a scholfield guy.

Ocelot: We should do some shooting sometime then. Anyways, I'm not sure whats going on but this may be some kind of simulation...

Arthur: What?

Ocelot: Oh, right. You're a cowboy...

Kazuma: If this is a simulation, then maybe I can get my hands on a nice pair of tits...

Arthur: I still have no idea what you're talkin about.

Kazuma: A simulation is like real life but you can control whatever you want like a god! Besides, if you are a real cowboy, then you must be an NPC.

Arthur: What the hell is that? You're really not making any sense.

Shrek: I'm lost myself...

Kazuma: What I'm saying is that you all may not be real, and when I died I was put in some simulation.

Arthur: Is this fist real enough for you?

Kazuma: Go ahead! You wont hurt me, this isnt even real!


Kazuma: *holding face* Ahhh!!! My nose is bleeding!

Arthur: Looks like that confirms that.

Ocelot: Wait, it seems that Shrek is from a world full of magic, and Kazuma is from a world that he got reincarnated to. Arthur is a cowboy and I'm from the military. What year is it for you Arthur?

Arthur: 1899.

Ocelot: Im from the 60s... What about you, Kazuma?

Kazuma: 2017.

Ocelot: Shrek?

Shrek: I dont keep up with these things.

Arthur: What are you gettin at?

Ocelot: What if we're all from different dimension?

Arthur: Here we go again.

Kazuma: Basically different versions of the world. I know for sure that magic exists. Maybe we can figure out how to get back to our own worlds.

Shrek: Hopefully. I need to get back to Fiona.

Arthur: Well, I dont have anything to go back to.

Ocelot: I have some cats...

Kazuma: I'm fine with this. You guys certainly beat my last party.

Arthur: So what, you some kind of story book hero?

Kazuma: *tries to look cool with his cocky attitude* I guess you can say that.

Arthur: This kid cant possibly think he's cool...

Ralof: Looks like thats it, just keep it down alright?

Arthur: Alright. *parks carriage*

Everyone left and followed Ralof to the mill.

Ralof: Have you seen Gerdur?

Guy: Not since she left with those sketchy foreighners.

Ralof: Do you know where they went?

Guy: I think I heard something about whiterun but I'm sure that you can catch up to them.

Ralof: Thank you for your help.

Arthur: You take us to whitrun. I gotta clean my gun.

Ralof was quickly riding the carriage to whiterun while Arthur took apart his gun and cleaned it.

Ocelot: Thats a fine gun... Nice to see you take care of it often.

Arhtur: Why, thank you.

Ralof: Hey, guys? I see something over there. Looks like a wrecked carriage.

Arthur: Be careful. I think that it was robbed.

Kazuma: Whats that thing. It's glowing.

He went over and picked it up.

Kazuma: Looks like some kind of gun.

Arthur: I would leave it be...

Shrek: I can hear them. They seem to be close by. We should catch up to them and get gerdur.

They walked up a hill and came across a cave that had a bandit standing on guard.

Arthur: Everyone get down. I'll take him out silently.

He pulled out a throwing knife and threw it at his chest.

Arthur: Let's go.

Kazuma: You seem calm for someone who just killed a man.

Arthur: I've killed many. Some outlaw is nothin.

When they walked in, they saw gerdur and a few native americans tied up.

Ocelot: Lets take em out! *shoots 5 guys like its nothing*

Arthur: Damnit! I wanted to go in silently!

They were shooting all of the bandits and they were mostly dead but there was the chief left.

Chief: What kind of magic is that?!

Arthur: You guys deal with him and I'll deal with the hostages.

Kazuma: So, maybe I should just kill you now and try out my new toy.

Chief: No wait- *falls through portal and the portal disapears*

Everything was silent and everyone looked kazuma awkwardly.

Kazuma: What?

Ocelot: You could have killed us!

Kazuma: Sorry, I was excited!

Shrek: Lets just get out of here. A cave isnt fit for an ogre.

Kazuma: What do you mean? Sure seems fit to me.

Shrek: Thats orcs and troll you racist shite.

Gerdur: Thank you for saving me! As thanks, you can keep any valuables that were robbed from the carriage.

Ralof: Lets go gerdur.

Everyone left the cave and Gerdur and Ralof left with one of the bandits horses.

Arthur: Looks like a good amount of gold and swords. Food most importantly.

Everyone's stomachs started growling when they heard about the food. They set up camp and started cooking any meat they had.

Shrek: Gah!

Ocelot: You alright there?

Shrek: *sigh* I cant hide it from you. I got stabbed back there. Im bleeding out.

Kazuma: Oh no. Does anyone know healing magic?

Everyone: ...

Shrek: GAH! I'm not... Ready...

Shrek died. They burried him that night and slept in the beds in the cave.

Arthur: Where to?

Kazuma: I'm not sure, but this thing is a portal gun that takes us to other worlds. I looked at it last night and its set to go to certain destinations at certain times. Next world is a world called "K-ON!!!".

Ocelot: K-ON?

Arthur: I hope its got some way that I can get ammo and not this fantasy world.

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