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A young girl sat on a dead tree branch out of a looming dark house. It's broken features, gloomy manor, and rough outside gave many a chill down their spine. The girl on the branch looked no older than 15 her curly red hair a mess her deep purple eyes calmly looked forward. Her skinny short stature looked almost fragile in the sun. She looked unapproachable maybe even..angry.

The raven landed on her shoulder she turned and nodded. "I'll be in soon."

Long ago.. her Abuela had been in terrible danger. Animals had cornered her with her 2 Children, My mom and uncle, on a cliff. Fear of dying, she asked the world for a miracle. Just then a tree branch struck with lightning shinned and blocked the animals scarring them and running away. From the tree branch she found a mysterious candle and took it. It was miraculously burning. The black thick candle then flowed a dark red and red light spread everywhere.

That day, my family was gifted with powers from the deep depths. My Abulea gifted cunning knowledge, my mama living shadows, my tío long claws, my Hermano ability to talk to the dead and me, the ability to talk and control ravens.

My ability was not as special as the others so I was often the outcast. As I walked into our manor, I was greeted by my ordinary dad, who I loved so much. He was kind and caring, he had fell for my mom even knowing the dark past and they were a lovely couple. My dad engulfed me in a hug tears threatening his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh mi hija I have terrible news.."


"It's tu abela.. she"

"Is sending you on your own" my abuleas voice boomed behind him.


"You have disgraced this family enough." She boomed her tall lanky figure looming over the girl."

"But where will I live?"

"Do you really think I'm that heartless? You have a house in encanto (idk if this is the city they stayed in but oh well that's what I'm calling it)."

"WHAT? I'm 15 how the hell am I supposed to live alone?"

"You will figure it out. Your tricks and trouble making has ruined this family and town. From now on you are no longer a Hertezá Sophia." She scolded

Sophia tried to argue back but it was to no prevail. She reluctantly grabbed her things, letting her crows out and grabbing money as she was escorted out and started to walk to encanto.

"Shame on them" she spat in a low voice


A/N : hey there uh this is a lazy chapter and it looks cliche but trust me it will get more interesting.  Yes she's getting kicked out but you'll find out why. Hope you enjoyed =}

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