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As she climbed over the last looming mountain , she looked over to the bustling city.

"Wow...so active" she said surprise filling her eyes.

Her favorite raven (Zack), perched next to her as she climbed down. Immediately people began to shout

"The new comers near!"


"Go get the madrigals!"


"Welcome!" .

She gushed at the attention she was getting and waved at the crowed as Zack gave some friendly caws.

"Welcome to Encanto newcomer" an old and almost kind voice said in a warm hearted tone. Sophia turned around to see a huge family.

"My name is Alma Madrigal  or better known as Abulea Madrigal. We are the magical owners of the town, each of us has different magical powers. I do hope you will join us in a welcoming party for you, we don't often get newcomers, now do you know where your house is located?"

"Uh- no not really hehe-" she said her thick curls hiding her face.

"Follow me" she said as she stepped from her large family.

As they were walking away she caught a glimpse of the family. A short curly haired girl with glasses, a muscular tall girl, a very pretty girl, a girl with thick curls situated in a bun, a small guy with animals all over, a larger warm looking guy, a red haired woman, a brown haired man and woman and finally, the one that caught her eye the most was a brown curly haired guy who looked around her age.

The 'Abuela' of this family led her to a small stone house that looked almost like a barn. It was old and tattered but to Sophia, it was a magical castle all to herself. She couldn't help but beam at it.

"Well we are hosting a party for you at sundown. We would be delighted to have you it'll be just up the hill at our casita hopefully we will see you there." And with that she turned and left. Sophia watched her go and stared up. It was only around midday so, she analyzed she would have plenty of time to shape this up.

As she just finished cleaning the house a odd thought ran through her mind.

'Magic powers? Like my family- blood relations? How odd I suppose I can't be to free with talking to crows... people might find it odd.'

She finally finished shaping up the small house. It had 3 separate rooms in it consisted of a couch a small kitchen and a bedroom and small bathroom. The house was small, probably the size of 2 rooms in her old manor but, she wasn't complaining. She loved the old home especially the backyard with a small farm.

"At least I can start making a living!" She exclaimed.

It was getting close to sundown so she unpacked her bags and started looking for a nice dress. If they really were going to throw an entire welcoming party for her, she should at least attend it.  She looked through her clothes and finally found a pretty match. It was a simple black dress with a grey lacing. It was paired with a black hairpiece and  had short black shoes as well. It complemented her very well and she couldn't help but twirl a few times in it. It was finally sundown so she put her hair in a tight bun only letting some red curls fall and exited her small casita.

She felt odd to not have zack by her side. He was with her wherever she went it was just, natural for her. As she walked up to this huge casita, which she could only assume to be the madrigals, she felt nervous without Zack.  She started stuttering to herself before she felt a tug into the casita.

"Well lookie if it isn't the talk of the town! You really are as pretty as they say." Someone says. She looked up and saw the curly haired boy from earlier.

"Uh- Hi"

"Ah so your shy no worries" he said and twirled Sophia.

"Er- uh well I am Sophia it's a pleasure to meet you" she said awkwardly.

"Camilo Madrigal and the pleasure is all mine" he said letting go of her hand.

"Wonderful..." she said not knowing how to react.

"Well if you ever need anything do come and find me pretty muchacha hasta luego!"

"Hasta luego?" She said.

'What an odd family..'


A/N Hope your enjoying so far! Sorry these few chapters aren't that interesting I'm slightly busy at the moment and will try to make it more intresting:)

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