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"WHAT!" Prof.Oak shouted

"Please Prof.Oak can you please call Brandon" Ash said

"Ash my boy they're are strong trainers you need more training to join the Battle Frontier and become a Frontier Brain!" Prof.Oak said

"Please Prof.Oak!" Ash said

"Hmmm..." Prof.Oak said

"Ok,But be careful Ash" Prof.Oak said

"Ok Prof.Oak!" Ash said

Prof.Oak dials Brandon the Pyramid King

Brandon picks up the phone and says


"Hello Brandon may i ask if the offer of being a frontier is still up?" Prof .Oak asked

*Yes it is still up why?*

"I was wondering if Ash can join the Battle Frontier?" Prof.Oak asked

*Sure he can join the Battle Frontier now.*

"Wonderful!, Ash will call you at the Viridian City Pokémon Center." Prof.Oak said

*Excellent! We will meet up at Cerulean City.*

"Good,Goodbye Brandon" Prof.Oak said


Prof.Oak hangs up the phone and comes back to Ash who's waiting at the living room

"Great news Ash!, Brandon allowed to join the Battle Frontier!" Prof.Oak said

"Thats awesome Prof.Oak!,Ill be leaving right now!"Ash said

Prof.Oak stops Ash and says
"Hold on Ash i still need to give you pokeballs,Tracey can you please give me some pokeballs"

"Sure thing Professor!" Tracey said

Tracey goes to grab pokeballs and hands them to Prof.Oak

"Thank you" Prof.Oak said

"Ash good luck at your journey!"Tracey said

"Thanks Tracey!" Ash said

Ash continues on his journey and what pokemon will he encounter next?

Author note:
Im so sorry for the delay guys! I forgot that wattpad existed lol.I was planning to release this chapter at January,20 but i got lazy because there was a break at my School.
Im ending this Author's note here folks!

See later my pokemon fans!

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