Chapter Seven

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I decided it was time to talk to my mom and dad about everything that I learned. I mean, they have to know about it too. It's not like I had some weird alternative life or something. And alot of the memories Emily told me had to do with them too. How would she know how stict they are if she didn't actually know them. I have to talk to them. Today. Emily had offered to come and talk with me but it was something I had to do myself.

I went home quickly. I wanted to look around the house for anything first before they get home and I have to tell them everything that I know. Why didn't they just tell me that we lived here before? Why didn't they tell me that I know all these people.

I went through their desk, tearing through every drawer in there, but there was nothing. Nothing about us living here before, nothing about my memory lose. Absolutely nothing. I decided to look all around the room. They could have planned for me to look around the room. I stood and looked around. Where to start?

After a while of walking around the room aimlessly and looking through random things I was just about to give up when I looked through an old scrap book. I flipped through the pages until I came across a news paper article.

12 Year Old Girl Attacked By Wolves

12 year old Ronny Blake was attacked by a pack of wolves on Wednesday of last week while playing with friends in the woods. The three others, terrified took off for help. When the hunters got to the site where Ronny was taken into the woods, but there was no sign of the girl. They went in looking for her. They found her buried deep under leaves and ruins. There were major wounds to her head and entire body. She had been air lifted and taken to the hospital. There is no news as to her progress.

I stared at the news article. This happened to me. I was attacked by wolves. Wolves! My parents didn't even tell me! This was a major part of my life and my parents didn't even tell me. I looked at my arms. The strange scars that I had since I could remember marked them up. They're from them. No wonder my mom never told me how they happened.

I heard the front door open then close and I scrambled up to put the things away, then headed downstairs article in hand. I looked at it again as I went down the stairs. The three others must have been Emily, Jace and Kaden. It made sense since we're best friends. I wanted to know why my parents kept this from me.

I went and sat across from my dad. He was looking at the news paper as my mom started some tea. He looked up over the edge as I cleared my throat letting them know I was here. My mom turned and looked at me. Her tired eyes coming up into a smile. I motioned her to sit and she looked at me surprised but did as I asked. They stared at me, so I slid the article to them. My mom looked over it and gasped. She looked up at me her eyes filling with tears. I just looked at her accusingly.

" Where ---- Where did you find this? " she asked her voice a little horse. I looked at her really looked at her. She looked nervous, she kept moving around in her seat and taking glances at dad.

" Why did you really move me here? " I asked ignoring her question all together. She knew where I found it and I didn't feel the need to answer that question.

" We thought you would benifit- " I held my hand up cutting my dad off. They told me this already, and I didn't believe them.

" Don't even give me that " I said " I want to know the REAL reason that you guys brought me here. I've learned more about my life in the past two weeks then I've learned in my entire life with you guys. "

" Ronny listen to me, did you honestly think we were going to tell you that this was the place you were attacked by wolves? " my dad said. I looked at his smooth face. His brown hair that had a few strands of grey. His green eyes bore into mine.

" Yes. I would expect you to tell me. You could have at least told me about Jace! " I nearly shouted. I hadn't meant to say just Jace, but that was were I stopped. My parents both stared at me.

" Jace? You've talked to Jace? " My mom asked.

" Talked to him? He's my best friend! And you didn't even tell me about him " I stared at them but they said nothing. We just watched eachother. I shook my head snatched my article from my dad's hands and went back to my room.


I walked down the hall with Kaden, who was acting really strange. I looked at him thoughtfully. He looked sort of in love. Which didn't make any sense since he already had his mate. I kept looking at him until he realized and turned and looked at me guiltily.

" Are you Ok? " I asked finally.

" No " he said weirdly. I stared at him, waiting for him to tell me what was up, but he said nothing.

" Well, what's wrong? "

" I'm not really mates with Jenna. I never shifted. We just told everyone that because your dads set us up. I actually found my real mate now though " he said glumily. I stared at him. I had actually believed their lies. How did my best friend lie to me? I always know when he's lying.

" Well, who's your mate really? " I asked. I wasn't mad at him at all, I was just curious.

" Emily " he whispered so low I almost didn't hear him. Emily? I always knew there was something going on between them. I raised my eyebrows. " I know! How did I not know before?! " he said louder now. I shook my head not knowing exactly what to say to him.

" Go for her then " I said. Then I heard Ronny from down the hall and I felt my face go all wide with a smile. She jumped up in front of me and smiled happily, I could see that she really wasn't as happy as she appeared though. I made a face.

" Ready for class?! " she asked, her green eyes shining. I nodded.

" We'll talk later? " I asked. I wasn't done with this conversation yet even if he thought we were. He nodded and Ronny pulled me away. She grabbed my arm sending electric tingles through it.


Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious " She chanted as she skipped down the hall " S-U-P-E-R-C-A-L-I-F-R-A-G-I-L-I-S-T-I-C-E-X-P-I-A-L-I-D-O-C-I-O-U-S!!! " I stared at her. I didn't even know she knew how to spell that.

" Wow what's got you all hyper? " I asked laughing at her. She smiled up at me.

" I don't even know. I'm just happy I guess. I confronted my parents but it wasn't that great but I don't know. Glad to see you I guess " I smiled at that. I'm always glad to see her. Well, at first I wasn't because I didn't believe she was My Ronny. But she is, I know that now.

" I'm glad to see you too " I said drapping my arm around her and pulling her close as we went into class.

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