Little Happy Family

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

"GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS? GUESS. WHAT. DAY. IT. IS!" Paula and Simon heard their little daughter yell as she entered to their room.

"I don't know. Thursday?" Paula said acting like she had forgot little Juliette's birthday. 

"Mommy! DON'T BE SILLY" Julie said holding her laughter and jumping on the bed. "Daddy, do you know what day it is?" she asked as she managed to cuddle against Simon's chest.

"All I know is that tonight airs the new episode of Grey's Anatomy" Simon said pretending to read an article on his iPad. 

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Julie yelled now trying to hold the tears back.

Paula saw her baby trying not to cry and her heart broke into million pieces. "Julie, we were messing with you! We know it's your birthday!" Paula said tickling their daughter.

"Sweetheart, you're one of the best things that has ever happened to me. How could I forget your birthday! You're a big girl now. You know? Five is a big number!" He said looking at his little angel.

Julie was just like her mother. She was a mini Paula with Simon's honesty and sarcasm.

"YAY! I'M A BIG GIRL I'M A BIG GIRL!" Julie sang.

"And what does my big girl wants for breakfast?" Paula said getting up of the bed and walking towards the door. 

"BLUEBERRY PANCAKES!" Simon said yelling like a kid.

"I didn't knew you were a big girl, Mr. Cowell" Paula joked.


"Okay but come with me to the kitchen!" Paula demanded.

"Can we watch a Cinderella after breakfast?" Julie asked with her famous puppy eyes while walking to the kitchen.

"I'm afraid it's a no from me" Simon joked earning a slap from Paula and a pout from Julie. "I'm joking girls! I'm joking. Of course we can but I'll fall sleep like always" he said.

"Of course you will, daddy" Juliette said laughing. 

Meanwhile, Paula placed the pancakes on the table Simon said "I love you girls" placing a kiss on Julie's head and Paula's lips before devouring his pancakes and they replied in unison "We love you too".

After they ate their breakfast they went upstairs and cuddled on their bed watching Cinderella like the little happy family they were. 

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