Charger : 2

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"Tommyyyyy" I moaned as he dragged me to town, his camcorder's charger broke again so of course he decided to grab me and drag me along on this adventure. I don't even know why he still uses that old camcorder, it's from like, 1990, there's a lot better technology nowadays. "We're almost there Toby" he said rolling his eyes at me, we were 13 now, I had made a new YouTube channel as soon as I turned 13, it was called "Blue Turtle" and I did Minecraft mods and stuff on it, I even edited all my videos myself, well, that's a lie, Tommy helped me on the first one.

Tommy made his channel "Channel Nutpig" when he was still 12, he broke the rules of YouTube itself, and yet still didn't get in trouble. He's been a real trouble maker these past few months actually. we got into the Best Buy and Tommy walked up to the register, "excuse me sir, do you have any chargers that match this?" Tommy asked the man pointing to the outlet hole. The man leaned towards and said yes before leading us to the middle of the store, we made brief conversation on the topic of camcorders before he showed us and left to go help another customer.

We grabbed the charger and made our way back to the registers.


I wiped my tears and ran down the stairs, grabbed a wad of cash that was left on the table and ran out of the house to the same store we went to just 5 years ago. It was snowing out, and the snow froze my feet. I had forgotten my shoes.

I entered the store bare foot and ran to the registers. They looked like they were about to close the store. The guy Gary was still working here. "GARY!" I yelled. "Oh heya Toby, what can I do for you? I haven't seen you in quite a bit" he said turning to face me. "Kid, you look terrible, where is your little friend Tommy? He's not with you?" He asked "have you not looked at the news?" I sniffled "uhh no I haven't" he said "oh, aha, he's at home, he asked me to grab him another charger, he's sick so he couldn't come in" I said with a weak smile on my face.

"That kids always getting into trouble, tell him to feel better, anyways here you go" he said pulling out the infamous camcorder charger, he handed it to me. "10.99" he said punching things into the register, I gave him a 10 dollar bill and a single. "Are you sure you're alright Toby?" He asked as he handed me a penny. "I'm fine, don't worry about it. Just check the news when you get home... happy holidays Gary" I said before making my way to the exit. "You too Toby, have a safe trip home!" He yelled out to me.

I heavily sighed as I exited the store.

I was walked home slowly, I couldn't feel my toes anymore and I couldn't move my fingers as fast, but this isn't half of what he went through, I deserve worse then this, I should of protected him, I should of saved him, but I froze, just like how I'm doing now. Freezing, trapped in my own thoughts like how ice consumes and freezes over. How did Tommy feel when he was under the ice?


"Toby!!!" Tommy yelled out to me, he was skating around on the ice like nobody's business, I was standing at the ledge holding on the freezing cold railing, I'm glad I had my gloves on.

Tommy skated towards me, his blue eyes shining on the white background.

We were at an ice skating rink Tommy wanted to go despite it literally being summer just outside the doors, we could have been at the beach floating around on boats or paddle boards, Tommy always had out of the box ideas, it was so so cold in here. Ac like nothing you would believe.

"Come on Toby stop being such a wuss. come on, let's goo" he said before grabbing me off of the edge and skating with me. He led me all over the ring and taught me how to skate better, I fell probably more than the national average. 


We grabbed the hot chocolates from the lady. We had been skating for around an hour now and we got tired. Our gamer muscles failed us in our time of need. We hopped onto the benches and put our skates out in front of us. "So no more skating?" He says looking at me suggestively. "No more Tommy, it's way too cold. I wish I had stayed with him longer. "Hmmmm well it's only like 12 pm so we still have a good couple hours before the sun goes down" he said "we actually have a lot of time." I replied.

"We could go paddle boarding now if you wanted, grab a bathing suit from that store by the docks" he suggested looking hopefully. "Yeah Sure that'll be fun" I stood up, unzipping my winter coat and stripping off some of the other excess clothing that would have wound up destroying me once we left this building. Tommy soon followed and we returned our skates before exiting the cold building.

We made our way to the water with the board in my hand and the paddles in Tommy's, "I hope the waters are not that cold '' I said as we approached the white foam. "The aqua colored water swooshed our way and landed at our feet. It was indeed cold, I griminced while Tommy just ran in without a care in the world. He dunked his head in and went over a wave before coming back to grab me. "Ah, tommmmyyyy," I whined as he pulled me deeper into the cold water.

The water was up to my waist and I hopped up onto the board while Tommy hung off of the edge, he pulled out the camcorder from I dunno where and started vlogging. It wasn't his phone so I knew this wasn't going to be on the internet, I could relax. Tommy started talking about random things towards the camera before declaring that he would stand up next to me. "Tommy if you stand up this board will tip" I warned but he started standing, "TOMMY" I screeched as the board flipped, we both fell in, woosh. I swam back up, finally emerging from the cold water.

I didn't see Tommy. I panicked and started searching around everywhere, when from under the board I hear "bababaabababababababa" the jaws theme song.  Tommy popped out and scared the shit out of me. "I got you soooooo good!" We both started laughing despite how scared I was just a moment ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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