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The car ride home was relatively quiet, besides the occasional complaint from Tommy, it was quiet. By the time the boys pulled into the drive way, Tommy was vibrating with excitement. Tommy threw the car door open, ignoring techno shouting at him to do that, and ran into the house.

"Phiiillll!" Tommy shouted once he barged into the house.

"Hey mate, how was school?" Phil asked, looking back at Tommy from the couch.

"It was great! I made two new friends also I went to look for more food in the trashcan during lunch and my friend tubbo started pushing it around the halls while I was still in it and my friend ranboo chased us and yelled at us to stop and-" Tommy inhaled another big gulp of air, "and the principle got mad but only tubbo got detention but didn't go because apparently detention sucks and he didn't feel like going and I also played this thing called kickball and almost won but someone got me so I was mad!" Tommy said excitedly as he panted, out of breath.

"Ah...well, I'm glad you had fun" Phil said.

Tommy smiled widely and ran off to somewhere in the house. Phil sighed, this kid was going be the death of him.

Tommy ran into the backyard, there was a trampoline sitting in the empty field, Tommy has seen one of those before but never tried it out. Climbing onto the big circle, Tommy flopped onto his back. Tommy stood up and wobbled a bit, after gaining his balance he jumped and fell onto his bottom. Tommy became a giggling mess after that and got up to do it again and again and again. He didn't even notice it was getting darker before Phil peeked out of the back door and called him inside for dinner. Tommy climbed off of the trampoline, not without falling over, and ran inside.

"I see you like the trampoline?" Phil said, leading Tommy to sit at the table.

"Yeah! I jumped super high!" Tommy said excitedly.

"I bet you did" Phil said, amused.

Soon Phil called to the others to come and eat. Wilbur sat across from Tommy while techno sat next to Phil. They all ate and talked about their days, apparently that boy who stayed behind at techno's job, came back and begged to use their phone to call his partners. Meanwhile Wilbur had to remove a toaster and a blender from the men's bathroom because apparently people are now putting things back but in the wrong places.

"people are so stupid" Wilbur groaned.

"At least they aren't stealing anything" techno said.

"Yeah but why a toaster? What the fuck is that supposed to do?!" Wilbur said.

"Make toast.." techno said bluntly.

"Fuck off" Wilbur scoffed.

"am I wrong though?" techno said.

Tommy laughed at Wilbur's annoyance.

"Alright that's enough, eat" Phil said.

With that the boys ate, they didn't want to be wacked upside the head by his shoe.
The boys washed their dishes, except for Tommy who didn't know how to do that, and got ready for bed...except for Tommy again. Tommy scurried through the house in his raccoon form, his claws scraped against the tiled floor as he ran and ran, sounding like a small dog. Wilbur and Phil chased him around,

"Tommy! It's time for bed!" Phil shouted.

"no!" Tommy shouted.

The chase went on for a few minutes until Tommy ran up the wall.

"Tommy get down! You're gonna scratch up the paint!" Phil shouted.

Tommy just ran up the wall further, clinging onto the roof.

"How the fuck does he do that? Whatever, Tommy get down! Or else you won't be able to go to school tomorrow!" Wilbur shouted.

"Noooo! I wanna go to school!" Tommy shouted.

"Then get down idiot!" Wilbur shouted.

Tommy groaned and slid down the wall, dragging his claws against it, making slight scratch marks.

"Oh you fucker" Phil sighed.

"Come on! Get to bed" Phil said,
grabbing Tommy and throwing him over his shoulder.

Phil carried Tommy to the couch and threw him on there and tossed a blanket on him.

"Sleep now or else you're gonna be late to school" Phil said.

"Fiiiine" Tommy groaned and curled up on the blanket pile.

Phil and Wilbur went back to their rooms and shut the door leaving Tommy in the living room. Tommy looked up and looked around to see if anyone was going to cone back, no one, so Tommy hopped up and rummaged around to try and find the TV remote. He wanted to watch SpongeBob. Tommy climbed on top of a shelf and opened one of the drawers and went inside; he searched the drawer and finally found it, the TV remote! Tommy peeked his head outside and looked around to see if anybody was around. Seeing that the cost was clear, he hopped put of the drawer and made his way to the couch in front of the TV. Using his small hands, Tommy pressed the numbers he remembered Phil pressing and changed the channel. Tommy sat back and watched cartoons until he fell asleep on the couch.


EDIT: SORRY FOR REPUBLISHING STUFF IT KEEPS ON GOING IN THE WRONG PLACE AND IDK HOW TO FIX IT 😭😭 like I published this and it was after chapter 6 but I came back and it was in between 4 and 5 for some reason so idk. So sorry again for republishing a bunch, I'm just trying not to make this confusing lol


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