The Dog

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Hello there, I'm Haze. I am a female Russian hamster. I am new at a house, and guess what is there? THERE IS A DOG THERE. Do you struggle with getting used to dogs too? If you are, welcome to my world. So, when this woman took me to her house, I was taken into a room. That's when I saw the dog. I know what you are thinking. OOF. I saw this other 11 year old girl and this 9 year old bratty boy. He's a bratty boy because he called me fat. Like bruh, I'm a hamster all hamsters are a bit chubby. Anyway, the dog was a black lab and it was a female as well. I think they call her, Haven. The canine just goes up to me, and I just say hi just to be nice. And guess what the sissy did? The wuss was afraid of me. Hehehehehehe 😎 😏 This was PERFECT. I was all worried if the people had a dog it would try to eat me. Wow. I don't have to worry about anything, the dog is scared of me >:) oki bye.

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