Strange Wolf(mha/bkdk)

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Author: picture might be related or not. i do not own the art


izu is an omagan wolf and he stumbles across the class 1A durring a the summer camp. they try to catch him but he is really smart and knows the forest better. they finaly catch him and they take him to UA where they put him in a room to observe as they think he is smart enough to try comunicating with them. 

izu on the other hand is smart enough and is tarified of the pale creatchers that took him from his home. when he keeps trying ot escape, nezu decides to try a device that hatsumai made. suposidly the machine will obsuerve the movements and sound of an animal and translate them to japanis for them. 

izu is tarified when the creatures put a big metal box in the room. he dosent know what it does but he is sure it will hurt. but the box just sits there. izu stops sleeping because he can feel eyes on him and he is sure the box will atack when he lets down his gard. "never show weakness to anyone" keeps repeating in his head, it was one of the things his Mate told him before they left to see what the strangers where doing in their forest.

to comfert himself izu would pace the small room, on the far side form the box. and repeat his mates words aloud to him self. "never show weakness" "i am always here for you just howl" "we are pack dont forget it" "you are mine and you are safe" "look at them. they are ours". the last one hurt so much, izu just wanted to go home to his Mate where  his family was.

the class was surprized when nezu called them they didnt think they would be allowed to know the wolf's words. when they arived they found a shocking sight.

azawa sensai was curled up on Present Mic Sensai's lap, in his sleeping bag. Midnight Sensai was reading a long paper with a blank expresion but tears were rolling down her face and nezu was sitting waiting for them looking grim.

"what is wrong?" everyone thought. nezu asked them to sit down and read the paper that the machine had printed out

bafled they passed the paper around each person falling silent as they read. many crying at the end.

the paper didnt exactly match what the wolf had said because it was new tech but the gist of it was definetly there.

what the paper said:

be strong, or truble. call for me, ill come. together us strong family, dont forget. mine, safe. look mine and yours. Mine. mine. mine .mine. alone. alone. Not alone, mine.

the class like the teachers were shocked and moved by the words. they didnt understand much but it seemed like the wolf had a family that was his and he wanted back to them desparatly.

the staff had decided to send the class to take the wolf back. as they were the ones to take him away. but first they had to remove the machine.

________________________________________time skip_______________________________

izu was scared when he woke up he was in the room and the yellow one was back. izu liked the yellow one as it smelled like his mate.... but diferent. the yellow had come in to take the box away. others had moved the wall to come in but izu had growled at them as they didnt feel safe. many diferent creachers had come and gone again at his growl, each one came again another day to try again.

they always left when he growled so he was glad about that. it was nearing his time to nest and he was more scared then before that they would try to hurt him. as he was valnerable in his nesting period.

one day it seemed to be yellows turn to try to get the box. izu snift the air when the wall moved and was confused when the smell coming from the creatchure was the same as his. tarified of being hurt a wolf? confused izu tilted his head and looked at the wall opening as yellow was seemingly pushed in. yellow froze when it saw izu looking at it and sat down against the was . izu was worried for the creatchure as it looked valnerable and hurt. he slowly approched the yellow creacher and sniffed its head fur. yes it did smell like him, like wolf. he looked up when he heard the wall moving again. it was the big black creatchure with the long white tail. izu growled getting imbetween yellow and black. black passed and its smell changed from agressive to confused and izu protected yellow. yellow was his now creacher or not, it was hurt and  scared, and that was emought for izu to clame it as his pup. 

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