Part 1 : Origins

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Lagos, 2016

T.J is almost done eating his boiled yam and fired eggs when his mum (Bimbo) shouts to tell him it is time to leave. T.J and Bimbo enter a honda civic and drives through a red gate about six-feet tall. They pull up in front of a familiar tall white building. They step into the building and then into the elevator. They exit the elevator at a floor at a familiar height. Bimbo drops her purse at her desk and tells T.J to 'hold on'. When she steps out the office full of desks, T.J starts playing around with pencil holders when he notices one is abnormally lighter than the rest. T.J continues to hold the abnormally light pencil holder in his left hand and walks over to a nearby desk where he picks up a paperweight and says in his head that the paperweight weighs about the same as a pen he picked up earlier. He hears some screams from outside and goes to a window to watch is happening, with the pencil holder in his left hand and the paperweight in his right hand. At this time, a villain set off his own suicide vest , and Wanda attempted to use her telekinetic powers to contain the explosion long enough to move it away from the many bystanders in a busy marketplace. Unfortunately, she didn't quite succeed, and the redirected blast explodes right in front of T.J. For the briefest of moments, T.J's face reflects a familiar shade of red and he flies back from the explosion. His back smashes through the work surface of a desk and his back lands on the vibranium support panels of the desk. T.J's torso is now covered with vibranium debris, his hands are severely injured and are now absorbing molten vibranium and it appears he is absorbing molten vibranium into his back too but from the molten vibranium support panels. Outside Bimbo is holding a small, black, plastic bag presumably filled with snacks and a juicebox. She looks up from the ground to see the building she left her son in had just exploded. She is not quite happy. A team of first responders rush in while T.J's fingers are twitching at supersonic speeds.

2 weeks later

T.J wakes up to find himself in a hospital room...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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