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Okay, this had gone on long enough.

I knew that there was a slight chance that Levi would reject me, but at this point I had nothing to lose. Except all my confidence. But hey, at the very worst, it'd just make things awkward.

But hey, I knew Alex had my back.

"Hey, if he breaks your heart and makes you cry, I'll just scream at him until my voice goes hoarse, then I'll kill him in his sleep!" she'd promised me when I'd finally decided that I was gonna confess.

Yeah... she can be a little scary at times. And a little overprotective. But that's because she really cares.

I raised my hand, then hesitated. I looked behind me. Alex was peeking out from behind a corner. She nodded and motioned for me to knock, so I turned back to Levi's door and knocked.

Levi opened the door and smiled. "Hey. Come in."

"U-uh... okay!" I just nervously smiled and walked in the room, shutting the door behind me. "Hey... Levi?"


"I like somebody."

I thought I saw the smile from his face drop, but he quickly smiled again. I thought it was fake. "Really? Have you confessed to Charli yet?"

CHARLI? I almost choked on air. "Bro, you're kidding. Right? Charli doesn't like me like that. I don't like her like that. She's bi, and she's with Alex."


"And besides. I'm gay."

Levi's face seemed to light up. "REALLY?" Then he seemed to realize his tone almost sounded relieved, so he cleared his throat and continued, "Oh. Um... cool."

Come on Light. Get it together!! It isn't that fricking hard!!

"ILIKEYOULEVIIALWAYSHAVEHADACRUSHONYOU! There." I said all of that in one breath. Then I turned, opened his door, and left without saying a word.

Two days later, I was at the store looking for some manga. I always liked manga, and the way things had happened two days ago... I really needed to read some. Actually, reading ANYTHING would help. It always calmed me down.

When I went back to the squad mansion, I then went to my room. On the way I decided to look into Levi's room, just to see if he was there. He wasn't.

Weird. Usually he was always in his room.

I saw a note on my bed. It was written like this:

At sakura tree near our mansion. Need to tell you something. Dress nice.

Wear something nice? What the hell did he want to talk to me about?

Maybe I shouldn't go... I thought to myself.

No. I shouldn't. I don't wanna stand him up. That was just a cruel thing to do, and I was NOT that kind of person.

Unless you counted that one time where I stood up my ex.

But hey, I'd already known she'd been cheating on me. So that was an exception.

That was kinda the time I found out I was gay.

I just decided to throw on this purple hoodie and some pants. I looked decent at least.

I then went to the sakura tree near the mansion.

Nobody was there.

"Ugh. I dressed up for nothing? How f*cked up is that?" I muttered to myself. I turned away from the sakura tree and felt my eyes sting with tears. I wasn't crying because I'd just been stood up. I could handle that.

I was crying because my crush had stood me up.

Okay. I was officially never falling in love again.

I was going to kill myself before I fell in love again.

At least, those were my thoughts before I felt somebody grab my arm when I was going to walk away.

I blinked my tears and turned. There was Levi, holding something behind his back.

"So you didn't stand me up after all?" I muttered, smiling a bit.

"Of course not. How f*cked up is that?"

"Extremely f*cked up," I agreed. "Uh... what are you hiding behind your back?"

"Um..." Levi pulled out some purple flowers.

"Awww! Thank you!" I gushed. Maybe he liked me back?

"Uh... about two days ago..."

Oh god. Please. Please don't bring that up again.

"You left before I could finish." Levi cleared his  throat and blushed. "I love you too, you moron."

"Wow. A moron? How dare you?" I pretended to be offended.

"Hey, you're a moron, but you're my moron," Levi laughed.

Well. I guess we're dating now.

And nothing could make me happier.

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