Welcome & Rules

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This is a place of fun & a stress-free environment.
If a role-play you want to do is NOT listed in the chapter section, MESSAGE me & I will add it.
That said, let's lay out the rules.

1. Be respectful. Those who aren't will be reported & asked to leave any & all role-plays if asked many times to stop. This means bullying, harsh judgements, & etc. These things aren't allowed on Wattpad anyway.

2. Be patient. Everyone has their lives & responsibilities. This adds on to being respectful. If someone hasn't replied in a  while (a few days/weeks), let me know and/or send your role-playing partner(s) a message.

3. Hate the character not the player. Disagreements & dislikes will occur, do your best to overcome them. If this seems unlikely, talk it out & message me if you need help.

4. Mature content IS allowed with PERMISSION. Language is allowed but minor words. Those who want to embrace the blood & gore or have some steamy romance scenes, or really want to use extreme language need to ask BEFORE beginning the role-play. A separate book will be made & become MATURE rated.

5. Have fun! Relax, laugh, live your fantasies, & enjoy your time. That's the reason this book exists.

Role-playing BookOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora