Chapter 7: The Truth Revealed

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“Oh my gosh Yukiteru you look awful”

 “I know.”

Hinata is just so brutally honest with me. Couldn’t she just tell me I looked fine to make me feel better? After that phone call last I couldn’t fall asleep. The bags under my eyes were so puffy and my body felt completely drained. What’s wrong with me and why do I feel like this? It’s even hard to breathe.


Yuno ran up to me and wrapped her arms around my sides.

“Did you miss me Yuki? I missed you soooo much.”

She began to snuggle her head under my arm.

“Yes, yes I missed you” I tried to sound happy as I rubbed her head.

“Awwww you guys are just the cutest.”

Yuno giggled and squeezed onto me tighter.

“Yuki and I will be together forever and ever and ever and ever an-”

“OMG LOOK!” Hinata cut Yuno off and leaned over the lunch table to grab onto our hands.

“It’s Akise and his new lover!” she squealed.

My whole body stiffened. I am so glad Yuno is holding onto me because if it wasn’t for her I would have turned around to see….those red eyes….those red eyes that haunt me.

“Who cares about him and his new girlfriend.” I mumbled.

“Oh you are so funny Yuki.” Hinata giggled.

How was that funny? Whatever, I don’t need to see Akise and his new girlfriend drooling all over each other. I made sure I kept my back towards the direction Yuno and Hinata were looking.

“Ohhh it is so weird to see that don’t you think?” Yuno whispered to Hinata.

“Really? I think it’s sooo cute.”

What the hell are they talking about? It’s normal to be seen with your girlfriend in public, well maybe not normal for Akise but it’s normal for “Normal” people. I kept staring at the wall, if I just stay still like this I won’t be tempted to look.

 Then a small figure came into my eye-sight. It was a short girl with long brown hair but something about her looked familiar. That’s when it finally hit me, it was the girl from yesterday that confessed her feelings to Akise. She was there laughing with her friends and playing with her hair. Wait…… something just didn’t make sense. If the girl is over there with her friends then who is with Akise behind me? Could I be mistaken with the girls face? No, that’s not possible because I always remember faces. Something is just not adding up. Before I realized it I felt my body turning, it was turning to find out the truth behind my back. My mind was screaming no but heart and body wouldn’t listen.

The view in front of me shook me to the very core.

 Akise was there sitting at a lunch table with his arm wrapped around a slender body.

His hand was running through jet black hair.

His lips curved into a smile. The smile he showed to me.

The smile he was showing to…….another guy.


My heart was beating crazily and my chest was tightening.


Hinata and Yuno said in unison as they looked at me worried.

“W-w-w-who the hell is that with Akise?!”

“His boyfriend” Yuno responded bluntly.

“I thought you knew Yukiteru, didn’t I tell you?” Hinata chimed in.

“No! no you didn’t!”

“Hmmm, Oh yeah! The phone must have disconnected around the time I was telling you that part.”

My head was starting to hurt really badly. I grabbed my forehead and squeezed my eyes shut. What’s going on?! How is Akise with a guy?!

“Yuki? My Yuki what’s wrong?” Yuno rubbed her hands along my arm.

I can’t even answer her. My stomach is starting to churn. I place my hand over my mouth, why do I feel so sick?

“Yukiteru?” Hinata grabbed my shoulder.

“What’s wrong? You look sick.”

What was that note? Who was the girl? What did Akise say yes too? Who is this new guy under his arm? What’s going on? Why do I feel like this?


All these questions that I can’t get answers too. I need to throw up right now. I pushed Yuno off of me and sprinted out of the cafeteria into the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet and let all my frustration flow out. I can’t remember the last time I vomited this much. I can’t remember the last time I hurt this much. But there was just one thing going through my mind that troubled me the most. My mind was telling me something that I didn’t want to admit too. Seeing Akise hug that guy, seeing Akise smile at him caused a dark storm in my body. But I can’t help but feel that if I had seen Akise with a girl when I turned around, maybe I wouldn’t have been so upset. Why do I feel like I could be a little happier if it was a girl that I saw? Why does seeing him with that boy give me a bad feeling, a feeling I have never felt before. If it was a girl would I have reacted this way? I knew in my mind and body that I probably wouldn’t have.

I can’t remember the last time I hurt this much.

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