Intro part 2: Room situations

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Naturally the fighters need a place to sleep.
Pit decided to room with Phosphora for obvious reasons. Dark Pit wanted to actually sleep on the 'Reset Bomb' stage and was confronted by Viridi. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in a room?"
"You're part of this stage. I thought you'd be lonely." Dark Pit responded, wrapping himself in his wings and falling asleep next to the blushing, tired Viridi.

The light goddess and the space queen decided to be in the same room but they disrupted the neighboring rooms with their loud music that you wouldn't expect from those two. Villager and Wii Fit Trainer were roommates with Duck hunt dog as their pet, and Little Mac and Shulk were fighting over who would room with Samus all night while she slept peacefully.

All of the pokemon were in the Miis' possession so all is right

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