Part 2

18 3 6

This one is dedicated to BTS Jin's epiphany
Like a lone rose,
Shining bright in the darkness

This one is dedicated to BTS Jin's epiphanyLike a lone rose,Shining  bright in the darkness

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You can't really see the Y though because it's covered yeah.....,
I know I messed up
But to be honest I really like how it came out
And besides this was my first detailed coloring art in a long time
You see I'm more comfortable with shading and sticking to simple colors
To all those ARMYS out there that can do so so much amazing detailed art well congratulations you have my respect
I know I can't do that🖤-imagine
Imagine is the name I put after I've finished drawing/writing something kinda like my signature I guess
Because I like to imagine☯️☪️💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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