prt 2

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After a while of chatting,nil decided to ask the girl her name . Her name was rissa and her name was Naliana Bianca in short nil. The bell rang and she had math class.she asked rissa where the class is and rissa said she also had the class so she could show her. When she entered into the class,rissa told the teacher that she was new. The teacher told her to introduce her self. She first cleared her throat and started" name is Naliana Bianca or u can call me nil". Everybody welcomed her and she sat next to a blonde haired boy with a black hoodie. The boy waved and she waved back."I think I have ever met him before"said nil in her thoughts. She slowly staired at him and when he noticed ,she quickly looked infront. The boy just continued with his work. After a while the bell rang and everybody body went for lunch break. Nil and rissa walked together at the dining hall . They found a sitting place at the corner of the wall. While they were eating , girls started to screem they both stood up and saw the blonde haired boy . Rissa slowly said "Freddy Johnson". Nil said in her thoughts"this name sounds familiar". She just shook her head and sat down with rissa.while they were eating, nil removed her necklace and smiled.when rissa noticed she asked"wow,who was that from ?"nil answered" welll,it from an old bty he gave me this when we were Young." Rissa gave her a side hug. As nil was eating she noticed that Freddy was starting at her.she tapped rissa on the shoulder and whispered to her saying"he is looking at me!!!!!" Rissa noticed and started to tease her she jus rolled her eyes and continued with her meal . The bell rang and everybody went to class. As they were walking on the hallway, Freddy was still looking at her. Nil started to felt weird.suddenly Freddy came closer to them.

Wat do u think Freddy wants

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XOXO ❤️ u

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