curious meeting...

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       I walked through classroom door. There was real wither inside. I was late. Everyone were sitting and they doesn't even saw I've walked in, just teacher said "hello" very calmly and told me to sit down next to new guy- Nicolas. I knew him. He was my childhood crush. It was extremally weird to see that person after years. Also I saw that despite his corpulent appearance he hasn't changed- still the same unpleasant  dude. 

I need to tell you, that I don't have any idea why I loved him. He look s so awful!


After few boring lesson days, our teacher, Mr. Jess told us about today's plan. Today we're gonna work in pairs. Guess who I worked with! Yes, my old crush. From a perspective of time, I think our tutor behavior was kinda insidious, that she sitted us together and told to work . That was extra efficacious shipping....  After some time we done work and Nicolas started talking to me. It was totally weird and unexpected! Why is he talking to me if no one is doing that here?! Maybe he's not that bad? I had millions of questions in my head struggling with not getting an answers.

Me, you, and your friends.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt