Chapter -1

4 0 0

Night time.
It's raining heavily...(lightning sounds) thud thud ...

A small tea stall near the deserted bus stop have 4 people drinking tea and watching news..,
the anchor in the television says ...
"Police have found another body of a 26 year old boy near the drainage area.   Locals were going to their fields for work when they smelled something rotten , as curious they went to see what it was and realise it was a dead body, instantly they called the police .
Officials are still looking for clues and the body has been sent to  forensic lab .
The identity of the body is not revealed yet .
Seems like case is getting difficult for the police to solve  as it's the  4th murder.
Let's talk to our reporter..
(The reporter)
the police said that it might be a serial killer and the people should stay vigilant...Although it's just a guess. There are still no official announcement by the authorities
(Back to the anchor)
Thank you reporter.
As you see it's still not clear.

The next news is about the sudden climate change....."

Person 1 at tea stall
"What is happening nowadays young people are being killed so brutally..."
Person 2
What is our administration doing ?
What if something like this happens again?

Their talk goes in background and fades away.

A person drenched in rain with mud and dirt all over  ,with tatered clothes walking  on the highway looks up to the sky and shouts and cries......ahh!!

At Police station

Sub Inspector Tarun-
Things are going out off our hand .
This has become a high profile case after the murder of  DSP's son although everyone's told to keep their mouth shut.

Havaldar Shyam-
Oh gosh I have to work at night shifts also...that bastard..
He'll make us work our butt off..Gosh.

Inspector Vikram-
Did u find something ?

Sub. Inspector Tarun-
Sir we are still searching.

Don't you feel like we'll be at ease if we finish this case asap.

  Yes sir.

(Looks at Shyam)
Then work and stop complaining .
Did the forensic report come?

No sir ,not yet.

But what do you think , sir? Is it really a serial killer.

It's what media is claiming. There are 50-50 chances.

Havaldar Godse-
But why would anyone kill others without reason?

Sometimes people dont want reasons to hurt others.

Pleasure Sir pleasure.

(Everyone laughs..)

After 30 minutes

The report is here sir.

What does it say ??

Everyone shocked......

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